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But when she had reached this complicated state of mind, both Lushington and Logotheti took themselves suddenly out of the sphere of her meditations, and she was standing once more on the half-lighted stage, singing 'Anges pures' into the abyss of the dark and empty house. The evening post brought Margaret three notes from Paris.

Well, seh, nex' thing I knowed, I heahed Marse Chan hit all happen right 'long togedder, like lightnin' an' thunder when dey hit right at you I heah 'im say: "'Cun'l Chahmb'lin, what you say is false, an' yo' know it to be so. You have wilfully slandered one of the pures' an' nobles' men Gord ever made, an' nothin' but yo' gray hyars protects you.

"Permet au Cardinal de Rohan et au dit de Cagliostro de faire imprimer et afficher le présent arrêt partout bon leur semblera." Campardon, p. 152. "Sans doute le cardinal avait les mains pures de toute fraude; sans doute il n'était pour rien dans l'escroquerie commise par les époux de La Mothe." Campardon, p. 155. Campardon, p. 153, quoting Madame de Campan.

[128-1] Aurelii Augustini, De Dono Perseverantiæ, cap. xx. Comte remarksDepuis St. Augustin toutes les âmes pures ont de plus en plus senti,

Bolingbroke's pencil-case was in it, and the following passage was marked: "Il y a un lieu sur la terre ou les joies pures sont inconnues; d'ou la politesse est exilee et fait place a l'egoisme, a la contradiction, aux injures a demivoilees; le remords et l'inquietude, furies infatigables, y tourmentent les habitans. Ce lieu est la maison de deux epoux qui ne peuvent ni s'estimer, ni s'aimer.

Your Peter Pures may be very well left to themselves, and are left to themselves; their own inventions are quite sufficient for all their trading purposes; there is no need to put temptations in their way they will seek them of themselves. You will certainly lay me under the censure that Montaigne throws upon Guicciardini.

He had been trained in the Royal Institute of British Architects, which he left with a gold medal, and with a fund of scepticism that caused him to distrust everything, en dehors des mathematiques pures. So that no wonder he lost his temper when people tried to convince him that there existed things which he was inclined to treat as "mere bosh and fables." Now I return to my narrative.

On y voit ce qu'un peuple sait des choses invisibles, si les notions de Dieu, de l'ame, du devoir, sont assez pures chez lui pour ne souffrir que des termes exacts. On mesure la puissance de ses institutions par le nombre et la propriete des termes qu'elles veulent pour leur service; la liturgie a ses paroles sacramentelles, la procedure a ses formules.

"They called them 'Pures' when I was a boy," he remarked, "but in some places they called 'em 'Reals, just as in some cities they say pink is for boys and blue for girls, and in some the other way round." And don't let any one tell you this question of "Reals" and "Pures" isn't important, for it is, surely as much so as "hazards" and "simple honors" which the grownups are forever discussing.

Well, seh, nex' thing I knowed, I heahed Marse Chan hit all happen right 'long togerr, like lightnin' and thunder when they hit right at you I heah 'im say: "'Cun'l Chahmb'lin, what you say is false, an' yo' know it to be so. You have wilfully slandered one of de pures' an' nobles' men Gord ever made, an' nothin' but yo' gray hyars protects you.