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Professor Pleischl put this assertion to the test by visiting the spot in the end of August, when he found no signs of ice. Another writer in Poggendorff describes a somewhat similar appearance on the Saalberg. Here ice is found on the surface from June to the middle of August; and that, too, with a west exposure and in moderate shade.

The people who work in the neighbourhood declare that the place remains open, and free from ice or snow, in the greatest cold, and that no ice begins to form till the month of June. When the writer of the account in Poggendorff visited the ice-hole, the peasants were in the habit of carrying large masses of ice down to their houses, through a temperature of 81° F.

These are, I think, all the references I have met with to the prismatic structure of subterranean ice. But there is an interesting account in Poggendorff 's Annalen, by a private teacher in Jena, of the crystalline appearance of ice under slow thaw near that town.

It is related that, after his lecture on the telephone at Geissen, in 1854, Professor Poggendorff, who was present, invited him to send a description of his instrument to the ANNALEN. Reis answered him,'Ich danke Ihnen recht Sehr, Herr Professor; es ist zu spaty. Jetzt will ICH nicht ihn schickeny. I shall not send it now.

The writer of the article in Poggendorff suggests a question which he was not sure how to answer: Is this appearance in correspondence with the original formation of the ice, or does it only appear under slow thaw?

The results were described in a paper 'On the Radiation of Electricity, which, in 1859, he posted to Professor Poggendorff; for insertion in the well-known periodical, the ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. The memoir was declined, to the great disappointment of the sensitive young teacher.