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Marie Antoinette to Maria Theresa, July 17th, Arneth, ii., p. 8. "Histoire de Marie Antoinette," par M. de Goncourt, p. 50. Quoting an unpublished journal by M.M. Hardy, in the Royal Library. It is the name by which she is more than once described in Madame du Deffand's letters. See her "Correspondence," ii., p. 357. Mercy to Maria Teresa, December 11th, 1773, Arneth, ii., p. 81.

Croix has not, in spite of every effort on the part of the commissioner to whom it was assigned, been pursued farther than 81 miles from the monument. Sixty-four miles, therefore, of the said meridian line remain to be surveyed before this part of their task is completed.

N. and H. i. 74. Lamon, 92, 93, has the best account of this famous encounter. Ford, Hist. of Illinois, 88. Ford, Hist. of Illinois, 81. See anecdote in The Good Old Times in McLean County, 48. "The jerks" was the graphic name of an attack not uncommon at these religious meetings.

It was his acceptance of this position which led to the confiscation of his Palatinate together with his new kingdom. p. 81, l. 24. James I had, after much hesitation, sent in 1625 an expedition to the aid of the Elector, but it had miscarried. Charles I was too much occupied at home to prosecute an active foreign policy. p. 81, l. 35. The Elector died in the same year as Gustavus Adolphus.

Their motive in going to war, and keeping up the war, was not so much anger at the encroachments of the whites, as the eager thirst for glory, scalps, and plunder, to be won at the expense of the settlers. American State Papers, Indian Affairs, i., 81. If the white men did not break the treaties, then the red men did. It is idle to dispute about the rights or wrongs of the contests.

Some of the days of travel were without incident almost, the men leading their ponies in monotonous file across the great white waste. The ponies gave little trouble; Meares's dogs, with more dash, contained their drivers' attention always. Day and Hooper turned back in Latitude 81 degrees 15 minutes at "Jehu's" grave, and Atkinson, his erstwhile leader, joined the man-haulers.

The climate is one of the best known in the tropics. The islands extend from 5 to 21 deg. north latitude, and Manila is in 14d. 35m. The thermometer during July and August rarely went below 79 or above 85. The extreme ranges in a year are said to be 61 and 97, and the annual mean, 81.

Belonging to the Crown 28 male horses, 19 female ditto; 21 bulls, 1791 cows; 1800 oxen; 395 male sheep, and 604 female ditto. Belonging to Officers 81 male horses, 146 female ditto; 38 bulls, 1111 cows; 696 oxen; 2638 male sheep, 5298 female ditto; 40 male goats, 73 female ditto; 486 male pigs, and 537 female ditto.

Richard Banner ordered one hundred pounds to be laid out in lands within ten miles of Birmingham; which sum, lying at interest, and other small donations being added, amounted to 170l. with which an estate at Erdington, value 81. 10s. per annum, was purchased for the poor of Birmingham. Richard Kilcup gave a house and garden at Spark-brook, for the church and poor.

Crowe and Gavalcaselle, op. cit. vol. ii. p. 124. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, op. cit. vol. ii. p. 77. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, op. cit. vol. ii. p. 81. Mornings in Florence, by John Ruskin.