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It is not astonishing that I should be unintelligible to others. In fact I have always avoided what attracted me, and turned my back upon the point where secretly I desired to be. "Deux instincts sont en moi: vertige et deraison; J'ai l'effroi du bonheur et la soif du poison."

"So I dine with you, Lord St. George, to-day," said the duke; "whom shall I meet?" "Lord Borodaile, for one," answered St. George; "my brother, Aspeden, Findlater, Orbino, and Linden." "Linden!" cried the duke; "I'm very glad to hear it, c'est un homme fait expres pour moi.

"There, look at him stopping right now; and Frank, he's grinning at us in a way that can only mean one thing. That must be where he always waits for the queer old gentleman to show up." "How about that, Charley; is this the place where you hang out?" asked Frank, as they hastened to join the guide. "Allee samee place," replied Charley Moi, waving his yellow hand around him.

Elle a vecu toute sa vie au presbytere, et maintenant, son frere mort, il va falloir qu'elle s'en aille. Elle a une petite fortune qui suffira a ses besoins, et j'ai l'immense satisfaction de penser que c'est moi qui ai pu sauver cet argent des griffes d'executeurs testamentaires mal intentionnes. Je les ai forces a payer quarante mille francs. Ma cousine supporte son sort avec un courage parfait.

He was as good as his word, and when the mine came under his authority he did send both Frank and Bob some stock, on which they could collect dividends four times a year. Frank looked in vain for the coming of the old Moqui. Charley Moi did indeed turn up a little later, anxious to again meet the boys whom he had served in the Grand Canyon.

Elle est plus digne de moi que d'autre." "No," he said, aloud, "I am not married. Marriage is at best a pitiful ceremony. But if you wished for news of me, surely you must have heard of my effect as an orator not despised in the Salle Favre. Since, I have withdrawn from that arena. But as a journalist I flatter myself that I have had a beau succes." "Doubtless, doubtless, my Gustave, my Poet!

The following instance of its effects is given by Brillat Savarin, to whom the circumstances were communicated, in confidence, by the lady who was the subject of them: "Je soupai," says she, "un jour chez moi en trio avec mon mari et un de ses amis dont le nom était V . C'était un beau garçon et ne manquant pas d'esprit et venait souvent chez moi, mais il ne m'avait jamais rien dit qui put le faire regarder comme mon amant, et s'il me fesait la cour, c'était d'une manière si enveloppée qu'il n'y avait qu'une sotte qui eut s'en fâcher. Il paraissait, ce jour l

If they are really perfect imitations, they will be a great acquisition to this city. But, selon moi, there is the difficulty. Our son looks charmingly. Adieu. New-York, June 28, 1802. And do you, indeed, miss your Theo.? Do you really find happiness indissolubly blended with her presence? Ah! my husband, how much more amiable you are as the man than as the philosopher!

"Oi think moi leg be broke." Ned saw now that as the lad had fallen his leg had been twisted under him, and that he was unable to extricate it. In a moment he was kneeling before the prostrate lad. "Oh! I am sorry," he exclaimed; "but you know I didn't mean to do it. Here, Tompkins, don't sit there like a fool, but come and help me move him and get his leg straight."

"Je suis alle hier passer le tantot chez Lewes, on a ete enchante de mes eaux-fortes. George Eliot s'est plainte de ne pas avoir assez cause avec moi a ma derniere visite, et m'a invite a prendre place a cote d'elle. Nous avons parle d'art, de litterature et d'elle meme.