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They wrote each other little notes, in which Lady Kirkbank called the dressmaker her cher ange her bonne chatte, her chère vielle sotte and all manner of affectionate names and in which Seraphine occasionally threatened the lady with the dire engines of the law, if money were not forthcoming before Saturday evening.

Come in at once to your lessons!" Or, at a different period, "Ou etes-vous donc, petite sotte?" Or at yet another period, "Warte nur, wenn ich dich erst habe!" As the voices came round one corner, I whisked in my noiseless clothes round the next, and it was only Fraulein Wundermacher, a person of resource, who discovered that all she needed for my successful circumvention was galoshes.

One of his drunken exclamations was, "And the jade doats on your youth, you raw blockhead! and talks of your noble deportment, as she calls your accursed English formality and your pure morals, forsooth! des moeurs de Caton a-t-elle dit sotte!"

The following instance of its effects is given by Brillat Savarin, to whom the circumstances were communicated, in confidence, by the lady who was the subject of them: "Je soupai," says she, "un jour chez moi en trio avec mon mari et un de ses amis dont le nom était V . C'était un beau garçon et ne manquant pas d'esprit et venait souvent chez moi, mais il ne m'avait jamais rien dit qui put le faire regarder comme mon amant, et s'il me fesait la cour, c'était d'une manière si enveloppée qu'il n'y avait qu'une sotte qui eut s'en fâcher. Il paraissait, ce jour l

"Holloa, old Jenkins," said he, sotte voce, "what have you done with your hand?" "I gave it a nasty cut yesterday, sir, just in the ball of the thumb. I wrapped my handkerchief round it just now, for fear of opening it again, while I was ringing the bell. See," said he, taking off the handkerchief and showing the cut to Bywater. "What an old muff you must be, to cut yourself like that!"

L'ancienne Angleterre a ete assez sotte, et assez dupe, pour leur laisser etablir chez eux les arts, les metiers, les manufactures: c'est a dire, qu'elle leur a laisse briser la chaine de besoins qui les liait, qui les attachait a elle, et qui les fait dependants.

She paused, her homely face gently lit up from within. 'He is not a man of words Jules. He told me to be quiet, called me petite sotte. "Haven't you slaved for two years?" he said. "Well, then, lie still, can't you? faut bien que chacun prenne son tour!" She broke off, smiling and shaking her head. Then glancing round upon her companion again, she resumed her motherly sermon.

"Oh, Ronnie, I wish I could laugh! But to-morrow is so near. What shall I do when there is nobody here to tell me silly stories?" "Ask Mademoiselle Victorine to try her hand at it. Say: 'Chère Mademoiselle, s'il-vous-plait, racontez-moi une extrêmement sotte histoire." "Ronnie, do stop chaffing!

I suppose, however, the savage was not without excuse; for Mary Stuart, who knew something of these matters, says, with a rather satirical glance at her cousin of England, "En ces sortes de choses, la plus sage de nous toutes n'est qu'un peu moins sotte que les autres." I have been to my first rehearsal here to-day; the theater is small, but pretty enough.

"It's such a pity you couldn't follow it; you'd have liked it so much better," Mr. Dashwood observed to their hostess. "Couldn't follow it? Do you take me for une sotte?" the celebrated artist cried. "I suspect I followed it de plus près que vous, monsieur!" "Ah you see the language is so awfully fine," Basil Dashwood replied, looking at his shoes. "The language? Why she rails like a fish-wife.