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After all the French have a better phrase for it 'La Crise de quarante ans." The Nurse and Divorcée had been very quiet, but here they locked hands, and the former remarked that they prepared to withdraw: "That is our cue to disappear and you, too, Youngster. These men are far too wise."

"It is cracked; I hear her trying out of her window a schrecklich. English ballad, called 'De Rose upon de Balgony." "Saufen and singen go not together," observed Fritz with the red nose, who evidently preferred the former amusement. "No, thou shalt take none of her tickets. She won money at the trente and quarante last night. I saw her: she made a little English boy play for her.

Quand bonnet rouge passera par la fenetre, A quarante onces on coupera tete, Et tout finira." "There is a traitor among us, gentlemen," he said, throwing away the paper. "But no matter. We are not men to be frightened by his sanguinary jests." "We must find the traitor out, and throw him through the window," said the young men. Still, a disagreeable sensation had come over the assembly.

That very evening the resolute old gentlemen, leaning on his nephew's arm, made his appearance in the halls of the Kursaal, and lost or won a napoleon or two at the table of Trente et quarante. He did not play to lose, he said, or to win, but he did as other folks did, and betted his napoleon and took his luck as it came.

What verses? These: Vous rappelez-vous notre douce vie, Lorsque nous etions si jeunes tous deux, Et que nous n'avions au coeur d'autre envie Que d'etre bien mis et d'etre amoureux, Lorsqu'en ajoutant votre age a mon age, Nous ne comptions pas a deux quarante ans, Et que, dans notre humble et petit menage, Tout, meme l'hiver, nous etait printemps? Beaux jours!

"There's a short code of morals," observed Vizard, "for the use of seminaries. Now let us hear Severne; he knows all the defenses of gambling lunacy has discovered." Severne, thus appealed to, said play was like other things, bad only when carried to excess. "At Homburg, where the play is fair, what harm can there be in devoting two or three hours of a long day to trente et quarante?

"It is not impossible," said the other, a gleam bright as the flash of a needle darting from her jade gray eyes. "Many of those people are only watching. They must give way to serious players. You will see! Shall it be trente et quarante or roulette? Roulette, you can tell by the name, is played with a wheel.

I had scarcely finished one of these beautiful iced fruits, when M. Le Mesge rose. "Gentlemen, if you are ready," he said to Morhange and me. "Get away from that old dotard as soon as you can," whispered the Hetman of Jitomir to me. "The party of Trente et Quarante will begin soon. You shall see. You shall see. We go it even harder than at Cora Pearl's."

In the corner a poodle is being clipped, just as we may see to-day beside the Seine, and is loudly vociferating his complaints; and, above all, we see the quaint ensign of the trade, which combined the shoeblack's lower art with that of the dog-barber. Aux Quarante Lions St. Louis Décrotte

In a word, the gambling-house, which refuses the game of a rich and cool player, devours the fortune of the foolish and obstinate one, who is carried away by the rapid movement of the machinery of the game. The croupiers at "trente et quarante" move nearly as fast as the ball.