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DOÑA MATILDE. No decía yo eso, sino que tanta precipitación ... estas cosas, Eduardo, necesitan siempre pensarse algo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Al revés Matilde! estas cosas, si se piensan algo no se hacen nunca ... porque ... ya ve usted ... a cada paso ocurren nuevas dificultades.

There was no awkwardness in the silence, Veronica thought, for it seemed to her that he understood, and that words were hardly necessary. If she had meant to refuse him, she would have done so through Matilde. She smiled, looking at the clock, and thinking about it all.

"No oh, no! I do not feel ill. Pray do not be anxious, my dear. I will take a little aconite for my heart, and then I will lie down for an hour or two." "I did not know that you had been converted to homoeopathy," said Matilde, indifferently. "But, of course, if it does you good, take the aconite, by all means." "I do not take it in homoeopathic doses," answered Gregorio.

It might break out just when a servant was handing him something; the man would merely draw back a step, and wait until the count was quiet again, before offering the dish. Over their coffee, Matilde read fragments of news from the day's paper, and made comments on what was happening in the world.

DOÑA MATILDE. Válgame Dios, ¡qué es esto!... ¿qué te ha sucedido? DON EDUARDO. Déjame en paz ... bribón ... tunante. Estoy por volver, y por.... DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, Eduardo ... tranquilízate por la Virgen. DON EDUARDO. Te digo que me dejes. DOÑA MATILDE. Mira que te va a dar algo.

His visit to the somnambulist, too, had helped to unnerve him, and as he wandered through the streets he forgot that it was time to eat, so that physical faintness came upon him unawares and suddenly. He did not wish to go home; for if he did, the final decision would be thrust upon him by Matilde, and he did not feel that he could face another scene with her yet.

DON EDUARDO. Allí creo hay uno y otro. BRUNO. Y que de consiguiente era inútil que ustedes se hablasen. "Matilde ..." sin adjetivo; cuando uno está muy agitado deben dejarse los adjetivos en el tintero. BRUNO. ¿Qué escribirá? DON EDUARDO. "¡¡Matilde!!" Dos signos de admiración ... "no tema usted que la importune, no...." Este segundo "no" vale un Perú.

Then Matilde would have the fortune, Gregorio would be saved, and Elettra would be condemned to penal servitude for life. It was certainly a very bold plan, and Matilde did not see where it could fail. Matilde received on the following morning a curious letter which surprised and startled her.

She had determined, if she found the woman in bed, to wake her boldly, to say that she felt ill again and to tell her to go and heat some water. That would have taken some time. But Elettra was not there, and the bed, as usual of late, was untouched. Matilde looked about her hastily, at the same time extracting the package from the wide pocket of her dressing-gown.

But for his soul you shall answer, as well as for your deeds and that is much to answer for, to Heaven and to me. You neither of you have the strength to deny one word of what Bosio said " "He was mad!" Matilde broke in. "You are mad, too " "Oh no!" interrupted Veronica, with contempt. "You cannot fasten that upon me.