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It is enough to say that they pronounced in favour of the deed, and that Father Mabillon, that Benedictine so well known throughout all Europe by his sense and his candour, was led by the others to share their opinion. After this, Cardinal de Bouillon no longer affected any doubt about the authenticity of the discovery.

There, on a verdant lawn, amid firs, cypresses, poplars, and weeping willows, repose the ashes of the illustrious poets, MOLIERE, LA FONTAINE, BOILEAU, &c.; of the learned DESCARTES, MABILLON, MONTFAUCON, &c., inclosed in sarcophagi; there, they still receive the homage which mankind owe to talents and virtue.

Theodoret; Socrates; Sozomen; Gregory Nazianzen's Orations; the Works of Chrysostom; Baronius's Annals; Epistle of Saint Jerome; Tillemont's Ecclesiastical History; Mabillon; Fleury's Ecclesiastical History; Life of Chrysostom by Monard, also a Life, by Frederic M. Perthes, translated by Professor Hovey; Neander's Church History; Gibbon; Milman; Du Pin; Stanley's Lectures on the Eastern Church.

We will now quit this noble edifice by the grand front, and looking to the left cast an instant's glance upon a large plain building, which is the Seminary of St. Sulpice, and has 210 students. Descending the Rue Mabillon a few paces, we come to the Market St. Germains, where formerly flourished the great fair under the same name.

Saint Bernard's Works, especially the Epistles; Mabillon; Hélyot's Histoire des Ordres Monastiques; Dugdale's Monasticon; Döring's Geschichte der Monchsorden; Montalembert's Les Moines d'Occident; Milman's Latin Christianity; Morison's Life and Times of Saint Bernard; Lives of the English Saints; Stephen Harding; Histoire d'Abbaye de Cluny, par M.P. Lorain; Neander's Church History; Butler's Lives of the Saints; Vaughan's Life of Thomas Aquinas; Digby's Ages of Faith.

That the early Popes however preached there can be no doubt, although most of their homilies, if ever written, have not reached our time. Gaetano published by Mabillon and from a Vatican MS. no. 4231, p. 197; both these documents are quoted by Cancellieri, Descriz. delle Cappelle etc. p. 328. See proofs that the Popes preached drawn up in chronological order in Sala's notes to Card.

'Father Mabillon, says Winslow, 'is said to have been an idiot until twenty-six years of age, when he fractured his skull against a stone staircase. He was trepanned.

C'est ce qui est arrivé pour celle d'un autre moine Français nommé Bernard; laquelle, publiée en 870, a été retrouvée par Mabillon et mise par lui au [Footnote: Ubi supra. p. 523.] jour. Ce n'est, comme celle d'Arculfe, qu'un voyage de Terre Sainte

Tommasi from a very ancient manuscript in the queen of Sweden's library. Cave, Mabillon, Muratori, Assemani and other eminent critics admit its authenticity. There is however another sacramentary perhaps more ancient called the Leonian, because it is attributed by the learned to Leo the great, A.D. 450. Augustin and the other missionaries. Mr. Palmer and after him Mr.

The Cassinesi had a printing press, to which we owe many beautiful publications, some unpublished sermons of St. Augustine's, several works by the eloquent and learned Father Tosti, &c. They had prepared an edition of an unpublished Commentary on Dante, and also of the valuable correspondence of Mabillon, Montfaucon, and other clerics of the Congregation of St.