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Also I am certain that Michael and Vivie made a pilgrimage to the prison of Saint-Gilles, and stood silently in the cell where Bertie Adams and Vivie had spent those terrible days of suspense and despair between April 6 and April 8, 1917; and that when they entered that other compartment of the prison where Edith Cavell had passed her last days before her execution, they listened with sympathetic reverence to the recital by the Directeur of verses from "l'Hymne d'Édith Cavell" as it is now called no other than the sad old poem of human sorrow, Abide with me; and that they appreciated to the full the warmth of Belgian feeling which has turned the cell of Edith Cavell into a Chapelle Ardente in perpetuity.

The concert ended with an "ouverture festivale sur l'Hymne Américaine, 'The Star Spangled Banner," by Dudley Buck. MacDowell found in Boston a considerable field for his activity as pianist and teacher. He took many private pupils, and he made, during the eight years that he remained there, many public appearances in concert. In composition, these years were the most fruitful of his life.

"Oh! vous qui, sous des catacombes, Etes couches au champ d'honneur, Nos yeux sont fixes sur vos tombes, En chantant l'hymne du vainqueur, Nous transmettrons votre memoire Jusqu' aux siecles a venir, Avec le burin de l'histoire, Et les larmes du souvenir." bis. In honor of peace. Imitated from the French. To the same tune: de la Marche Triomphante.

Though dead, the great Persian has still a large practice, as his tomb is much visited by pilgrims, among whom cures are said to be not uncommon. "L'hymne d'Avicenne" in: L'Elegie du Tograi, etc., par P. Vattier, Paris, 1660. Traites mystiques d'Abou Ali al-Hosain b. Abdallah b. Sina ou d'Avicenne par M. A. F. Mehren, Leyden, E. J. Brill, Fasc.