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"O! go on! I adore it," cried the lady of Mes Larmes. "Heavenly night! Heavenly, heavenly moon! but I most shut my window, and not talk to you on account of les moeurs. How droll they are, les moeurs! Adieu." And Pen began to sing the good night to Don Basilio. The next day they were walking in the fields together, laughing and chattering the gayest pair of friends.

She called upon the saints, but they did not answer. She was shamed in the sight of men. But as she knelt there weeping, the Bishop's evil voice scarcely silenced, the soldiers waiting impatient the entire crowd, touched to its heart with one impulse, broke into a burst of weeping and lamentation, "a chaudes larmes" according to the graphic French expression.

When Arthur left No. 2002, he went to pay his respects to the carriage to which, and to the side of her mamma, the dove-coloured author of Mes Larmes had by this time returned. Indefatigable old Major Pendennis was in waiting upon Lady Clavering, and had occupied the back seat in her carriage; the box being in possession of young Hopeful, under the care of Captain Strong.

A faded rose inspired her with such grief that you would have thought she must die in pain of it. What a talent she must have had for weeping to be able to pour out so many of Mes Larmes! They were not particularly briny, Miss Blanche's tears, that is the truth; but Pen, who read her verses, thought them very well for a lady and wrote some verses himself for her.

"Mes Larmes! isn't it a pretty name?" the young lady continued, who was pleased with everything that she did, and did everything very well. Laura owned that it was.

"Oh! vous qui, sous des catacombes, Etes couches au champ d'honneur, Nos yeux sont fixes sur vos tombes, En chantant l'hymne du vainqueur, Nous transmettrons votre memoire Jusqu' aux siecles a venir, Avec le burin de l'histoire, Et les larmes du souvenir." bis. In honor of peace. Imitated from the French. To the same tune: de la Marche Triomphante.

I frequently met M. Duval at breakfast at a neighbouring café, and our conversation turned on l'exposition de la pièce, préparer la situation, nous aurons des larmes, etc. One day, as I sat waiting for him, I took up the Voltaire. It contained an article by M. Zola. Naturalisme, la vérité, la science, were repeated some half-a-dozen times.

After the scene with little Frank, in which that refractory son and heir of the house of Clavering had received the compliments in French and English, and the accompanying box on the ear from his sister, Miss Laura who had plenty of humour, could not help calling to mind some very touching and tender verses which the Muse had read to her out of Mes Larmes, and which began, "My pretty baby brother, may angels guard thy rest," in which the Muse, after complimenting the baby upon the station in life which it was about to occupy, and contrasting it with her own lonely condition, vowed nevertheless that the angel boy would never enjoy such affection as hers was, or find in the false world before him anything so constant and tender as a sister's heart.

Pour ses petits enfans, elle leur mit des brasselets de Pourcelaine et de rassade aux bras, et baigna leurs os de ses larmes; on ne l'en pouuoit quasi separer, mais on pressoit, et il fallut incontinent partir." During these harangues, other functionaries were lining the grave throughout with rich robes of beaver-skin.

Dry the pretty eyes, I can't bear that;" and he proceeded to offer that consolation which the circumstance required, and which the tears, the genuine tears of vexation, which now sprang from the angry eyes of the author of "Mes Larmes" demanded. The scornful and sarcastic tone of Pendennis quite frightened and overcame the girl. "I I don't want your consolation.