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It was not by chance that Hyde introduced her tonight to this filigree comedy, so cynical under its glittering dialogue. He could find no swifter way to present to her le monde ou l'on s'amuse in all its refined and defiant charm.

The Ring could be distinctly seen about half a mile away, resting upon a huge circular support. "C'est le feu!" grunted Marc. "C'est ainsi que l'on fait danser les marionettes!" There was no doubt that the hood of the tower was in fact white hot, for the perpendicular cliffs of the mountain across the valley sharply reflected the light that it disseminated.

It faut dire qu'il etait toujours pret a'exposer, qu'on ne pouvait mentionner la moindre chose sans que ce gaillard offrit de parier la-dessus n'importe quoi et de prendre le cote que l'on voudrait, comme je vous le disais tout a l'heure.

With him as leader they all sang a song of the Pyrenees mountaineers, then a waltz from the cafes chantants: "Bien gentiment l'on se balade. C'est la premiere promenade " In another week we should have had a Gallipoli Glee Club. And so ended the adventure of the fifty hostages, who went out to be shot at the end of the comedy, which had its climax at the beginning.

14th. En la rencontre que l'on fait des personnes, quand on les entretient, c'est une chose malseante de leur tourner le dos & les épaules. C'est vne action impertinente de heurter la table ou d'ébranler le pupitre, dont vn autre se sert pour lire, ou pour écrire. C'est vne inciuilité de s'appuyer sur quelqu'vn, de tirer sa robbe, lors que l'on luy parle ou que l'on le peut entretenir.

Of far greater interest is the small map of Louis Joliet, made and presented to Count Frontenac immediately after the discoverer's return from the Mississippi. It is entitled Carte de la decouuerte du Sr. Jolliet ou l'on voit La Communication du fleuue St. Laurens auec les lacs frontenac, Erie, Lac des Hurons et Ilinois.

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!" Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures. "Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

It chanced that Rodier was the first to step out of the machine. As the burly, bearded, white-clad figure of Herr Schwankmacher cantered heavily toward him, he lifted his cap, and with that sunny smile which had accompanied him through life, he said "Monsieur, je vous fais mille excuses. Voudriez-vou bien me dire ou l'on puisse obtenir de la pétrole." "Sapperment!" cried the infuriated German.

I. The Syndon, mentioned by Isaiah, &c. was a delicate and transparent substance, like our tiffany, and in point of money value was fully on a level with the Caftan; but whether imported from Egypt, or imitated in the looms of the Hebrews and Phoenicians, is doubtful. L'on appelle ces presens Kalaat. Chardin. Among the points of resemblance are these:

Quand ce coq chantera Ici crédit l'on fera. Which means When you hear him crowing Then's the time for owing. Till that day Pay.