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"'Tis Allah's will that he who cherishes The precious gift that never perishes. Shall make the East to bend as low As palms that in the whirlwind blow." Kalif never spoke of his adventure in the Kalaat Mountains, neither could he ever make up his mind to test the virtue of the stones, being a frugal man on the one hand, and unwilling to surpass his neighbours in wisdom on the other.

I. The Syndon, mentioned by Isaiah, &c. was a delicate and transparent substance, like our tiffany, and in point of money value was fully on a level with the Caftan; but whether imported from Egypt, or imitated in the looms of the Hebrews and Phoenicians, is doubtful. L'on appelle ces presens Kalaat. Chardin. Among the points of resemblance are these:

"God is most merciful!" replied Mustapha, recovering his breath, and wiping down his beard with the sleeve of his kalaât, as he respectfully passed the bottle over to his superior. "Hham d'illah! Praise be to God!" exclaimed the pacha, as the divan closed. "This is dry work, hearing petitions for three hours, and not a sequin to my treasury. Mustapha, has the renegade come back?"

"God is most merciful!" replied Mustapha, recovering his breath, and wiping down his beard with the sleeve of his kalaat, as he respectfully passed the bottle over to his superior. "Hham d'illah! Praise be to God!" exclaimed the pacha, as the divan closed. "This is dry work, hearing petitions for three hours, and not a sequin to my treasury. Mustapha, has the renegade come back?"