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"J'ai tenu a me joindre a ceux qui lui ont rendu les derniers devoirs; et j'ai charge alors votre fils aine et votre beau-frere d'etre mes interpretes aupres de vous. "A des malheurs comme celui qui vient de vous frapper il n'y a pas de consolation possible.

neque tuum unquam in gremium extollas LIBERORUM ex te genus, and, namque Aesculapi LIBERORUM. But the author before quoted says in his Chryses, not only Cives, antiqui amici majorum MEUM, which was common enough , but more harshly still, CONSILIUM, AUGURIUM, atque EXTUM interpretes; and in another place, Postquam PRODIGIUM HORRIFERUM PORTENTUM pavos.

Dickson & Handcock. we also took our leave of T. Chabono, his Snake Indian wife and their Son Child who had accompanied us on our rout to the pacific Ocean in the Capacity of interpreter and interpretes.

which was common enough; but he says, with a much more unmusical sound, "Consiliûm, auguriûm, atque extûm interpretes." And again he goes on "Postquam prodigiûm horriferûm, putentfûm pavos," which are not at all usual contractions in a string of words which are all neuter. Nor should I much like to say armûm judicium, though the expression occurs in that same poet,