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"Pourtant console-toi! pense, dans tes alarmes, Qu'un double bien te reste, espoir et souvenir; Une main dans le ciel pour essuyer tes larmes; Une main ici-bas, enfant, pour te benir." The last stanza is especially poor, and in none of them is there much poetical promise.

Was she still that same "Arithelli of the Hippodrome" who had come gaily into Barcelona with her ridiculous dresses and her belief in herself and her career? She had known an hour of love and passion, and that had been worth all the rest Emile had always told her that people were not meant to be happy long ici-bas. She must pay now for her hour. The gods were angry and must have a sacrifice.

Every girl should learn these hard words by heart, Rien ne se donne, tout se paye ici-bas! "Everything is paid for in this world!" A number of young girls have asked me to give them some idea of the duties of a beginner in the profession, or what claims the theatre makes upon her time. Very well. We will first suppose you a young and attractive girl.

The Marquis was beating time with one finger, and within the room, to an impromptu accompaniment invented by Juliette, Barebone was singing: C'est le Hasard, Qui, tot ou tard, Ici-bas nous seconde; Car, D'un bout du monde A l'autre bout, Le Hasard seul fait tout. He broke off with a laugh in which Juliette's low voice joined.

For hours, therefore, she had been springing from one window to another, admiring everything to which he pointed, in a mad attempt to satisfy his pride in ici-bas. Her coming at all had been entirely his idea, and her faint refusals he had laughed to scorn, easily enlisting Théo, and, with a trifle more difficulty, his wife, to his cause.

Mithra is the Mediator, who stands between "le Dieu inaccessible, et inconnaissable, qui regne dans les spheres etherees, et le genre humain qui s'agite ici-bas." "Il est le Logos emane de Dieu, et participant a sa toute puissance, qui apres avoir forme le monde comme demiurge continue a veiller sur lui."

Emporte-moi dans un reve amoureux, Bien loin sur la terre inconnue, Pour que longtemps, meme en rouvrant les yeux, Ce reve continue. Croyons, aimons, vivons un jour; C'est si bon, mais si court! Bonheur de vivre ici-bas diminue Dans un moment d'amour. The Hour of Love! How full of burning love and sentiment! She stopped, reflecting on the meaning of those words.

"Certainement que j'y crois: tout le monde le sait; et d'ailleurs le pretre me l'a dit." Isabelle was an odd, blunt little creature. She added, sotto voce: "Pour assurer votre salut la-haut, on ferait bien de vous bruler toute vive ici-bas." I laughed, as, indeed, it was impossible to do otherwise. Has the reader forgotten Miss Ginevra Fanshawe?

The Marquis was beating time with one finger, and within the room, to an impromptu accompaniment invented by Juliette, Barebone was singing: C'est le Hasard, Qui, tot ou tard, Ici-bas nous seconde; Car, D'un bout du monde A l'autre bout, Le Hasard seul fait tout. He broke off with a laugh in which Juliette's low voice joined.

It begins: Lorsqu'il faudra aller vers Vous, ô mon Dieu, faites Que ce soit par un jour ou la campagne en fete Poudroiera. Je désire, ainsi que je fis ici-bas, Choisir un chemin pour aller, comme il me plaira, Au Paradis, sont en plein jour les étoiles.