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In July 1789 there was discovered, among the papers of the Bastille, the letter which Casanova wrote from Augsburg in May 1767 to Prince Charles of Courlande on the subject of fabricating gold. Carrel published this letter at once in the third volume of his 'Memoirs authentiques et historiques sur la Bastille'. Casanova kept a copy of this letter and includes it in the Memoirs.

Le recueil de Bergeron, bon pour son temps, ne l'est plus pour le notre. Composé d'ouvrages qui contiennent beaucoup d'erreurs, nous y voudrions des notes critiques, des discussions historiques, des observations savantes; et peut-être seroit-ce aujourd'hui une entreprise utile et qui ne pourroit manquer d'être accueillie très-favorablement du public, que celle d'une édition nouvelle des voyages anciens, faite ainsi, surtout si l'on y joignoit, autant qu'il seroit possible, le texte original avec la traduction. Mais cette traduction, il faudrait qu'elle fut très-scrupuleusement fidèle. Il faudroit avant tout s'y interdire tout retranchement, ou au moins en prévenir et y présenter en extrait ce qu'on croiroit indispensable de retrancher. Ce n'est point l'agrément que s'attend de trouver dans de pareils ouvrages celui qui entreprend la lecture; c'est l'instruction. Dès le moment vous les dénaturerez, vous voudrez leur donner une tournure moderne et ètre lu des jeunes gens et des femmes, tout est manqué. Avez-vous des voyages, quels qu'ils soient, de tel ou tel siècle? Voil

An account of this expedition is found in Memoires Historiques sur La Louisiane, published in Paris in 1858, but never translated in its entirety. The author, Lieutenant Dumont of the French army, was one of a party ascending the Arkansas River in search of a supposed mass of emeralds.

Perhaps it's a judgment on those terrible Thierry kings, who left to their enemies only the earth round their habitations "because it couldn't be carried away" that the Germans have left ruins in Château-Thierry more cruel than those of the crumbling castle. In seven September days they added more monuments historiques than a thousand years had given the ancient Marne city.

ABDY, E.S. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States from April, 1833, to October, 1834. Three volumes. ALLIOT, PAUL. Réflexions historiques et politigues sur la Louisiane. Valuable for information concerning New Orleans about the beginning of the nineteenth century. ARFWEDSON, C.D. The United States and Canada in 1833 and 1834. Two volumes.

"Have you read," said Boulmier, "the article of Tamisey de Larroque in the 'Revue des Questions Historiques'?" "Good!" I thought to myself, for the second time. "Yes," replied Gelis, "it is full of things."... "Good!" I said to myself, for the third time. "Mai foi! no!" replied Gelis. "Bonnard is an idiot!" Turning my head, I perceived that the shadow had reached the place where I was sitting.

Description Historique et Geographique de l'Inde. Par J. Tieffenthaler. Recherches Historiques et Geographiques sur l'Inde. Par Anquetil du Perrin. Publiées par J. Bernouilli. Berlin, 1785. 3 vols. 4to. The most curious and original portion of this work is that which relates to the Seiks, by the missionary Tieffenthaler. Forrest's Voyage from Calcutta to the Menguy Archipelago, 1792. 2 vols. 4to.

But, overlooking or not having access to the letter of Saint-Mars of June, 1681, Roux holds that the prisoners taken to Les Exiles were the monk and Mattioli. One of these must be the Mask, and Roux votes for Mattioli. He is wrong. Mattioli beyond all doubt remained at Pignerol. Recherches Historiques sur l'Homme au Masque de Fer, Paris. An.

Whether his sentiments were sincere or feigned, his presence in an influential capacity at the Sultan's court was a fortuitous circumstance of which the ambassador gladly took advantage. The audience was fixed for the following morning at daybreak, and that night Tangriberdy lodged the embassy in his own palace. See Quatremère Mémoires geographiques te historiques sur l'Egypt.

[Footnote 33: See Gachard, Études et Notices historiques concernant l'histoire des Pays-Bas, ii., 343, en approuvant et emologant toutes les choses deseurdittes et chascune d'icelles et a fin que plus grant foy soit adjoustée