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It begins: Lorsqu'il faudra aller vers Vous, ô mon Dieu, faites Que ce soit par un jour ou la campagne en fete Poudroiera. Je désire, ainsi que je fis ici-bas, Choisir un chemin pour aller, comme il me plaira, Au Paradis, sont en plein jour les étoiles.

Je me fis présenter

"There!" I said triumphantly in turn, as I looked at Pomp. "'Tick um froo de fis?" he said. "Yes. We must find some deep pool, and see if we cannot spear something, so as to be food for the day." "Mass' George 'tick um fis, Pomp find um."

"She was from Picardy; and he tells of her horrible accent, and in elegy number five he continues the confession, telling how his well beloved used to get drunk. "Tu fis le saut de ... Seine et, depuis morte-vive, Tu gardes le vertige et le gout du neant."

I had the spunk to ass 'im, an' he din 'ave the spunk to dischawge me! All he can do; 'tis to shake the fis' of impatience." He was looking into his companion's face, as they walked, with an eye distended with defiance. "Look out!" exclaimed Richling, reaching a hurried hand to draw him aside.

Il sembloit a son grè gouverner la tonnere, Fouler aux pieds ses enemis vaincus, Je ne fis que passer, il a'etoit deja plus. Amidst all their misfortunes, the French people, and more especially the peasantry, have contrived to preserve their characteristic gaiety.

Huccome you think I'se gwine ter pay fer a dervoge fer sech er low-lifeted creetur ez dat? He ain' wuth no dervogin', he ain'. When it come ter dervogin', I'll dervoge 'im wid my fis' en foot " Here the baby cried again, and the irate Delphy disappeared into Moses' cabin, while the meek-looking son-in-law hoed the garden patch and muttered beneath his breath.

Curieux d'en connoître la composition, j'envoyai vers celui qui le faisoit le valet de mon hôte, et lui fis demander de me l'apprendre. Il me répondit qu'il n'oseroit, et que ce seroit pour lui une affaire trop dangereuse, si elle étoit sue; mais comme il n'est rien qu'un Maure ne fasse pour de l'argent, je donnai

"Wantee something eatee?" cried Ching, making for a canister upon a shelf. "No, no," cried Smith, "not that. We want a good dinner. Do you know what a restaurant is?" "Lestaulant?" The Chinaman shook his head. "Wantee good din': eat muchee soup, fis', cakee?" "Yes, that's right; come along."

Blind forces in themselves; shaping thoughts as they shaped features and battled for the moulding of constitution and the mingling of temperament. Philosophy and poetry came to me before I knew their names. Je fis mes premiers vers, sans savoir les ecrire. Not verses so much as the stuff that verses are made of.