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Lisette ici doit surtout apparaitre, Vive, jolie, avec un frais chapeau; Deja sa main a l'etroite fenetre Suspend son schal, en guise de rideau. Sa robe aussi va parer ma couchette; Respecte, Amour, ses plis longs et flottans. J'ai su depuis qui payait sa toilette. Dans un grenier qu'on est bien a vingt ans!

Le maire d'une petite ville, entendant une querelle dans la rue au milieu de la nuit, se leve du lit, et ouvrant la fenetre, crie aux passans, "Messieurs, me leverai-je?"

"'Ce matin les oiseaux m'ont eveille," he read. "'Il faisait encore un crepuscule. Mais la petite fenetre de ma chambre etait bleme, et puis, jaune, et tous les oiseaux du bois eclaterent dans un chanson vif et resonnant. Toute l'aube tressaillit. J'avais reve de vous. Est-ce que vous voyez aussi l'aube?

M. Pelet read, I suppose, the expression of my eye; he explained: "La fenetre fermee donne sur un jardin appartenant a un pensionnat de demoiselles," said he, "et les convenances exigent enfin, vous comprenez n'est-ce pas, monsieur?"

Quand bonnet rouge passera par la fenetre, A quarante onces on coupera tete, Et tout finira." "There is a traitor among us, gentlemen," he said, throwing away the paper. "But no matter. We are not men to be frightened by his sanguinary jests." "We must find the traitor out, and throw him through the window," said the young men. Still, a disagreeable sensation had come over the assembly.

Vanity, no doubt, distressed her at being seen in undress; she started back, the worn pulley gave way, and the sash fell with the rapid run, which in our day has earned for this artless invention of our forefathers an odious name, Fenetre a la Guillotine. The vision had disappeared. To the young man the most radiant star of morning seemed to be hidden by a cloud.

Dumas was certainly not thinking of himself, but of Planchet, when he put into the mouth of d'Artagnan's old servant this excellent profession: "MONSIEUR, J'ETAIS UNE DE CES BONNES PATES D'HOMMES QUE DIEU A FAIT POUR S'ANIMER PENDANT UN CERTAIN TEMPS ET POUR TROUVER BONNES TOUTES CHOSES QUI ACCOMPAGNENT LEUR SEJOUR SUR LA TERRE." He was thinking, as I say, of Planchet, to whom the words are aptly fitted; but they were fitted also to Planchet's creator; and perhaps this struck him as he wrote, for observe what follows: "D'ARTAGNAN S'ASSIT ALORS PRES DE LA FENETRE, ET, CETTE PHILOSOPHIE DE PLANCHET LUI AYANT PARU SOLIDE, IL Y REVA." In a man who finds all things good, you will scarce expect much zeal for negative virtues: the active alone will have a charm for him; abstinence, however wise, however kind, will always seem to such a judge entirely mean and partly impious.

He was thinking, as I say, of Planchet, to whom the words are aptly fitted; but they were fitted also to Planchet's creator; and perhaps this struck him as he wrote, for observe what follows: "D'Artagnan s'assit alors près de la fenêtre, et, cette philosophie de Planchet lui ayant paru solide, il y rêva."

Un homme se plaignoit que la maison de son voisin lui otoit la vue d'une de ses fenetres; un autre lui dit, "Vous avez un remede; faites murer cette fenetre."

Overcome with sudden superstitious fear, Pierrots and Pierrettes, drummer and trumpeters turned and fled in every direction. Within the room all was wild confusion. The soldiers had heard a cry: "La fenetre! La fenetre!"