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It is hard to believe that such lunatic lies can come from the pen of a professor in good standing. "Ohne zu übertreiben kann man sagen dass heute nur der allerkleinste Teil der deutschen Presse geneigt ist, den Engländern Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen, bei Behandlung allgemeiner Fragen sich auch einmal auf den englischen Standpunkt der Betrachtung wenigstens zeitweise zu versetzen.

A much more successful attempt was theSentimental Journey, Intended as a Sequel to Mr. Sterne’s, Through Italy, Switzerland and France, by Mr. Shandy,” two volumes, 12mo, 1793. This was evidently the original of Schink’s work; “Empfindsame Reisen durch Italien, die Schweiz und Frankreich, ein Nachtrag zu den Yorikschen. Aus und nach dem Englischen,” Hamburg, Hoffmann, 1794, pp. 272,

We find another derogatory fling at Sterne himself and a regret at the extent of his influence in an anonymous book entitledBetrachtungen über die englischen Dichter,” published at the end of the great Yorick decade. The author compares Sterne most unfavorably with Addison: “If the humor of the Spectator and Tatler be set off against the digressive whimsicality of Sterne,” he says, “it is, as if one of the Graces stood beside a Bacchante. And yet the pampered taste of the present day takes more pleasure in a Yorick than in an Addison.” But a reviewer in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek discounts this author’s criticisms of men of established fame, such as Shakespeare, Swift, Yorick, and suggests youth, or brief acquaintance with English literature, as occasion for his inadequate judgments. Indeed, Yorick disciples were quick to resent any shadow cast upon his name. Thus the remark in a letter printed in the Deutsches Museum that Asmus was the German Yorickonly a better moral character,” called forth a long article in the same periodical for September, 1779, by L.

Camm, /Lives of the English Martyrs/ vol. i., 1904. Stone, /An Account of the Sufferings of the English Franciscans, during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries/, 1892. Pollen, /Acts of English Martyrs/, etc., 1891. Spillman, /Die Englischen Martyrer unter Heinrich VIII./, 2 auf., 1900. /Martyrum Monachorum Carthusianorum in Anglia passio/, etc.

Much later a similar product was published, entitledLaunige Reise durch Holland in Yoricks Manier, mit Charakterskizzen und Anekdoten über die Sitten und Gebräuche der Holländer aus dem Englischen,” two volumes, Zittau und Leipzig, 1795. The translation was by Reichel in Zittau. This may possibly be Ireland’s “A

'Do you know, Wilf, your tendency is to stoutness; in a few years you will be portly, if you live too sedentary a life. He looked annoyed, and by so doing gratified her. She proceeded. 'What do you think I overheard one of our spectacled friends say this morning "Sehen Sie mal," you were walking at a little distance "da haben Sie das Muster des englischen Aristokraten.

Outside, at great speed and with sirens shrieking, automobiles were arriving, and I could hear the officers shouting: "Die Englischen kommen!" To make their reports they flung themselves up the steps, the electric torches, like bull's-eye lanterns, burning holes in the night. Seeing a civilian under guard, they would stare and ask questions.

H. MAYNADIER, The Arthur of the English Poets, Boston and New York, 1907. G. PARIS, Histoire littéraire de la France, Paris, 1888. J. RHYS, Studies in the Arthurian Legend, Oxford, 1891. W.H. SCHOFIELD, English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, New York and London, 1906. B. TEN BRINK, Geschichte der Englischen Literatur, and ed., A Brandl, Strassburg, 1899.

Bode’s complete translation was issued probably in October, possibly late in September, 1768, and bore the imprint of the publisher Cramer in Hamburg and Bremen, but the volumes were printed at Bode’s own press and were entitledYoricks Empfindsame Reise durch Frankreich und Italien, aus dem Englischen übersetzt.”

A deep solemnity fell upon the masses of spectators and the crowd fell into rank to march to the Royal Palace, from a window of which King Ludwig spoke words of comfort and inspiration. Still singing the 'Wacht am Rhein, this river of humanity flowed on to the 'Englischen Garten, at the corner of which stands the Austrian Legation.