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Hunter 1710 d. 14 Juny Seine Englandische reise unterbrach Seine Seelen Himmlische reise an St. He died October 27, 1795. Sommer's aversion to the Halle pastors probably was the reason why he took no part in the organization of the New York Ministerium at Albany in 1786. Activity in New York. In New York Falckner was succeeded by W. Ch.

Dein Loos ist gefallen, verfolge die Weise, Der Weg ist begonnen, vollende die Reise. GOETHE, West-östlicher Divan, Buch der Sprüche. Recent investigation has made it clear that the history of Islamic Arabia is not severed by any violent convulsion from pre-Mohammedan Arabia.

To forfend the possibility of such dubious appreciation, the account of the watchcoat episode is copied word for word from Bode’s introduction to theEmpfindsame Reise.” In this same year, an unknown translator issued in a single volume a rendering of these three collections. The following year Mme.

Von J.J. Volkman. Leipsic, 1770 1778. 3 vols. 8vo. Manners, customs, politics, commerce, the state of the arts and sciences are treated of in these volumes. Zusætze zu der Neusten Reise Beschriebung von Italien. Von J. Bernouilli. Leip. 1777 1782. 3 vols. 8vo. Darstellungen aus Italien. Von F.J.L. Meyer. Berlin, 1792. 8vo.

Erinnerungen von einer Reise durch England, 1803-5. Von Johanna Schopenhauser. 2 vols. 8vo. Rudolst, 1813. Light and lively sketches. P. Coronelli Viaggio nell' Enghilterra. Venice, 1697. 8vo.

Economische und Statische reisen durch Chur-Sacksen, &c. Von H. Engel. Leips. 1803. 8vo. Bemerkungen einer Reisenden durch die Prussischen Staaten. Von J.H. Ulrich. Altenb. 1781. 8vo. Briefe uber Schlesien Krakau, und die Glatz. 1791. Von J.L. Zoellner. Berlin, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. Reise durch einer Theil Preussen, Hambro, 1801. 2 vols. 8vo.

There was a horrible jumble in my mind of black rocks and blue eyes, pine forests and flaming red stockings, flying clouds and flying petticoats, the roar of torrents and the ringing voice of the maiden as she cried "Flue! Gaae! Reise! Fly! Go it! Travel!" Only one thought was uppermost the fear of being dashed to pieces. Great heavens, what a fate!

Professor Carter, in a lecture in Rome in 1907, drew, by a modern comparison, a characterization of the first three named. When we were studying in Germany, he said, we were accustomed to sum up the three emperors, William I, Frederick III, and William II, as der greise Kaiser, der weise Kaiser, und der reise Kaiser. The characterizations will fit well Nerva, Trajan, and Hadrian.

*Italiaenische Reise. Bologna, 19 Oct. 1776. The history of art has suffered as much as any history by trenchant and absolute divisions. Pagan and Christian art are sometimes harshly opposed, and the Renaissance is represented as a fashion which set in at a definite period. That is the superficial view: the deeper view is that which preserves the identity of European culture.

This work, translated from the Danish, though tedious and prolix, supplies many curious particulars respecting the natural history of the country and the manners of the people. OEconomische Reise durch Island. Von Olavius. Leip. 4to. Landt's Description of the Feroe Islands. Translated from the Danish. 8vo.