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The peroration of an old lady, who had delivered a long speech to a friend of ours, then a prisoner at Verdun, lamenting the reverses of the French arms, and the miseries of France, was characteristic of the nation: "Mais, ce m'est egal. Je suis toujours ici." It is quite unnecessary for us to give proofs of the laxity of moral principle which prevails so generally among the French.

This account, as I read it after the final catastrophe, awoke a memory; and I found myself unconsciously humming the bit of satire upon these brave fellows, most of whom were now lying cold and stiff under the sky of Queretaro: "Mais, c'est egal, au moment de choisir J'aimerais mieux m'engager dans les Zouaves!" Ah me, how closely the ridiculous here approached the sublime!

Si vous estes assis, lors que quelq'vn vous vient rendre visite, leuez-vous dés qu'il approche; si la dignité de la personne demande cette deference, comme s'il a quelque aduantage sur vous, s'il vous est égal, ou inferieur; mais non pas fort familier. Si vous vous reposez chez vous, ayant quelque siege, faites en soite de traiter chacun selon son merite.

"'C'est tout égal 'tis all one, said he. "'Bon Dieu! What! pay for the way I go and for the way I do not go? "'C'est tout égal, replied the commissary. "'The devil it is! said I. 'But I will go to ten thousand Bastilles first. O, England!

When they returned to the world of art, his fluency left him; he felt crushed beneath the weight of his own ignorance and her accomplishment. 'Come and see them! she said, springing up. 'I am tired of my Infanta. Let her be awhile. Come to the Salon, and I will show you "Salome." Or are you sick of pictures? What do you want to see? Ca m'est egal. I can always go back to my work.

Bon jour, mon cher Monsieur Hugo, au revoir!" and they part: Justice taking off his hat and bowing, and the author of "Ruy Blas" quite convinced that he has been treating with him d'egal en egal. I can hardly bring my mind to fancy that anything is serious in France it seems to be all rant, tinsel, and stage-play.

"Oh, the women, the women, and the things they have made me do!" he would exclaim with a lustrous eye. "C'est egal, of all the follies and stupidities I have committed for them I would not have missed one!"

'Liberty! he said, 'what we mean by liberty is freedom to go where we will, and say what we will. I wish you had it, my poor fellows. Fraternity it is not shooting our brother. Egalite I preach that too, but in my own fashion, not yours. Let me pass si cela vou est egal. His nonchalant intrepidity a quality never lost on the French raised an acclamation of le brave Anglais.

"Oh, sir, I beg your pardon, but you have put me down Mademoiselle, and and you see, sir, I have my little girl." "A c'est egal, mam'selle, they don't mind these things in France au plaisir de vous voir. Adieu." "They don't mind these things in France," said I to myself, repeating the old consul's phrase, which I could not help feeling as a whole chapter on his nation.

Among the verses of an interminable topical song, one contained a reference to the newly organized regiment, the "Cazadores de Mejico," the recruiting of which was then taxing to the utmost Maximilian's energies: Parmi les corps que l'on vient d'etablir Les Cazadors sont de tous les plus braves; Mais, c'est egal, au moment de choisir J'aimerais miens m'engager dans les Zouaves!