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Anne and her mother were just thinking of retiring to their own dwelling when Sergeant Stanner of the th Foot, who was recruiting at Budmouth, began a satirical song: When law'-yers strive' to heal' a breach', And par-sons prac'-tise what' they preach'; Then lit'-tle Bo-ney he'll pounce down', And march' his men' on Lon'-don town'! Chorus.

Thereby he seriously attenuated, if he did not quite annihilate, the prospect of success for McClellan's campaign. It seems incredible and unexplainable that amid this condition of things, on April 3, an order was issued from the office of the secretary of war, to stop recruiting throughout the country!

Neither can bygone prerogatives and precedents of magnificence and of mastery, except in so far as they unavoidably must come into play through the inability of men to divest themselves of their ingrained preconceptions, by virtue of which a Hohenzollern or a Hapsburger is something more formidable and more to be considered than a recruiting sergeant or a purveyor of light literature.

It was ultimately ascertained to have been made by one Wild, a cutler, who had sold the knife for tenpence to Felton when recruiting in the town. At a still later period, the manufacture of clasp or spring knives was introduced into Sheffield by Flemish workmen. Harrison says this trade was begun in 1650. The clasp-knife was commonly known in the North as a jocteleg.

Hills, higher than anything near Spalding! Trees you never saw such trees! Fruits you never saw such fruits!" "And the people what kind of folk are they?" "Pah! Kauloes blacks a set of rascals not worth regarding." "Kauloes!" said I; "blacks!" "Yes," said the recruiting sergeant; "and they call us lolloes, which, in their beastly gibberish, means red." "Lolloes!" said I; "reds!"

He had never stood on the curbing outside a recruiting office on South State Street, in the old levee district, and watched that tragic panorama move by those nightmare faces, drink-marred, vice-scarred, ruined. I know that he had never seen such faces in all his clean, hard-working young boy's life, spent in our prosperous little country town.

They were both in due course put upon their trials, and sent into penal servitude. I find, from a graphic sketch written for my "Irish Library" by William James Ryan, that in the convict ship that took John Flood into penal servitude was another distinguished Irishman, John Boyle O'Reilly, whose offence against British rule was his successful recruiting for the I.R.B. among the soldiery.

My band still travelled up and down, the length and width of the United Kingdom, skirling and drumming and drawing men by the score to the recruiting office. There was no more talk now of a short war. We knew what we were in for now. But there was no thought or talk of anything save victory. Let the war go on as long as it must it could end only in one way.

After the usual leave of three months following graduation from the Military Academy I was assigned to temporary duty at Newport Barracks, a recruiting station and rendezvous for the assignment of young officers preparatory to joining their regiments. Here I remained from September, 1853, to March, 1854, when I was ordered to join my company at Fort Duncan.

But the bright lady forgot all this now, and sent to Myra the most wondrous bracelet of precious stones, in which the word "Souvenir" was represented in brilliants, rubies, and emeralds. "For my part," said Myra to Endymion, "my most difficult task are the bridesmaids. I am to have so many, and know so few. I feel like a recruiting sergeant.