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I lived through them a thousand times before they occurred, as the wretch who fears death dies multitudinously. Some womanly fib preserved my father from a shock on leaving Janet's house. She left it herself at the same time that she drove him to Lady Sampleman's, and I found him there soon after she had gone to her bridesmaids. A letter was for me:

There seldom is under such circumstances. Once the judge inquired: "Bee, my dear, how is it that you are not one of Claudia's bridesmaids?" "I did not wish to be, and Claudia was so kind as to excuse me," Beatrice replied. "But why not, my love? I thought young ladies always liked to fill such positions." Bee blushed and lowered her head, but did not reply.

But whatever the truth may be about the alleged secret marriage, we know that early in 1712, Peter, in his Admiral's uniform, stood at the altar with the Livonian maid-servant, in the presence of his Court officials, and with two of her own little daughters as bridesmaids.

After the withdrawal of the bride and her attendant from the breakfast-table, the bridegroom and his friends remained a few moments longer, and then joined Lady Belgrade and the bridesmaids in the drawing-room. They passed some fifteen or twenty minutes in pleasant social chat upon the event of the morning, the state of the weather, and the political, financial, or fashionable topics of the day.

The prettiest toilettes we have seen were of heliotrope gaze over satin; and again clover red, lighted up with white lace. The bonnets were of white chip, with feathers of red, for this last dress; broad hats of yellow satin, with yellow plumes, will surmount the heliotrope bridesmaids.

The pleasing novelty for several years past, of an addition to the number of bridesmaids varying from two to eight, and sometimes more, has added greatly to the interest of weddings, the bride being thus enabled to diffuse a portion of her own happiness among the most intimate of her younger friends.

"Now, perhaps, you have some faint idea of what I felt when I had to return thanks for the bridesmaids." "Nancy!" cries Bobby, holding out the fruit to which he alludes, and speaking in a wobbly, quivering voice, with a painfully literal imitation of my late address, "here's here's here's a peach!" But I am burying my face in Sir Roger's shoulder, like a shy child. "I like you!"

Fabian toasted the bridesmaids, how Mr. Clarence responded on the part of the young ladies, how with this and that and the other observance of forms, the breakfast came to an end and the bishop gave thanks. The bride retired to change her dress for a traveling suit of navy blue poplin, with hat and feather to match, and a cashmere wrap.

Elderly bridesmaids in youthful frocks and girlish hats are ridiculous to the unthinking, but pathetic to those who look below the surface. Wedding Frocks. "Married in white you have chosen all right," says the old rhyme, and the "ivory duchesse satin" seems to have come to stay. There should, however, be some regard for the future social position of the bride in choosing the wedding gown.

No long rows of faces caring. Only the hard murmur of the busy street outside. No excited whispers here, no music and no flowers, no bridesmaids and no wedding gown. "I pronounce you man and wife." Then what? She took Susette tight in her arms for a moment. Then Emily thank God for her! was whispering fiercely in her ear: "It's going to be all right, my dear!