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DON EDUARDO. Que está a dos pasos de aquí, en la calle de Cantarranas. DOÑA MATILDE. Por lo mismo ha hecho usted bien en afeitarse y en ... mas a lo menos trataremos de recuperar el tiempo perdido. ¿Bruno? BRUNO. ¿Señorita? DOÑA MATILDE. Anda, y dile a papá que el Sr. D. Eduardo de Contreras desea hablarle de una materia muy importante. BRUNO. No creo que el amo se haya despertado todavía.

DON EDUARDO. Y ¿qué es un cuartillo para dos jícaras?... llena la chocolatera, llénala. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Hombre! DON EDUARDO. Llénala, y no empecemos con economías. DOÑA MATILDE. Ya lo está. DON EDUARDO. Divinamente; y volviendo a lo de anoche, ¿creerás, Matilde, que todavía me río al recordar lo asustada que estabas durante la ceremonia?

I have sent my friend Don Eduardo Hearne, an English gentleman of repute, to warn you against the danger which threatens, and to advise you on your further proceedings. He will give you all particulars." The captain invited Ned to follow him to his cabin and, calling in the officers, asked for an explanation of this singular visit.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Papá! ¿Pues cómo sabía...? BRUNO. Qué yo ... algún duende ... lo cierto es que ahora me llamó, y me dijo que le siguiera hasta aquí ... que subiera sólo ... y que le avisara si D. Eduardo estaba fuera de casa, para que su merced entonces.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡De veras? ¿Será posible que me quiera ver?

Eduardo Lucas, who met his death by violence last Monday night at Godolphin Street, Westminster. Our readers will remember that the deceased gentleman was found stabbed in his room, and that some suspicion attached to his valet, but that the case broke down on an ALIBI. Yesterday a lady, who has been known as Mme.

"Then I am more than ever in your debt," said I gratefully, for the chief's action showed a thoughtful consideration quite unexpected. "We shall never pay all that is owing to the son of Don Eduardo Crawford," he answered gravely. "And now let me carry you to my hut. A bed has been prepared there for you; it is a simple affair, but you will be comfortable." I slept well that night.

DON EDUARDO. Todos los días, ¡a ti que te gusta tanto la limpieza! y tendrás asimismo que guisar, fregar, jabonar, planchar, coser, remendar, y hacer en fin, todo aquello que hace una mujer casada sin criada. DOÑA MATILDE. Ay, Eduardo, ¿sabes que es dinero muy bien gastado el de los salarios?

Blanche says to Rochester, "Signor Eduardo, are you in voice to-night?" and he, "Donna Bianca, if you command it, I will be." And Blanche says to the footman, "Cease that chatter, blockhead, and do my bidding." That, Charlotte's worst lapse, is a very brief one, and the scene itself is unimportant.

"I looked at the name Thomas pointed out 'Professor Eduardo Collieri. 'Ah! says I, in admiration, 'that's not so bad, Ed Collier. I give you credit for the trick. But I don't give you the girl until she's Mrs. Freak. "I hit the sod in the direction of the show.

When the Ranger had gone, Gonzalez walked slowly toward his house with his head bowed thoughtfully. "It is very strange," he muttered. "How could Don Eduardo have met this Garza at noon when, with my own eyes, I saw him ride away from Las Palmas at three o'clock in the afternoon? It is very strange." On his way to the Lewis ranch Dave Law had a struggle with himself.