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Our ingenious author, who has, with, great diligence as well as an enlightened mind, observed the operations of nature upon the surface of the earth, here says, "ce n'est pas sans étonnement que je remarque depuis long-temps que jamais aucune eau qui coule

Depuis ce défilé jusqu'

Clara heard us, and came in "to the rescue," she said, "for it sounded as if somebody was getting a scolding." I repeated my story, and although she rarely used French expressions, this time she clasped her little hands together, sank into a chair, and said: "Oh! Emélie, j'ai su depuis longtemps, qu'il nous ferait un grand tort. Le pauvre agneau! Le pauvre agneau!" "What will father do?"

The attempts, made at different times for the re-union of Christians, are the subject of a learned and interesting work, published at Paris, with the title of "Histoire critique des projéts formés depuis trois cents ans pour la Reunion des communions Chretiennes, par M. Tabaraud, ancien Prétre de L'Oratoire, Paris, 1824."

He paused, and they stood breathless and enchained, while the violin trembled under the hand of its master, vibrant and penetrating. "What is it she says?" Max whispered the words. Blake's reply was to murmur the burden of the song in the same hushed way as he had spoken the song of the Noctambule. "Depuis le jour je me suis donnée, toute fleurie semble ma destinée.

Il en est une, malheureusement tres-active, qui nous est propre; c'est la tendance des ouvriers depuis l'etablissement de la Republique a chercher l'amelioration de leur sort, moins dans l'accroissement de leur salaire que dans la diminution de leur travail.

Besides you will be out to-morrow." "I ought not to be here at all," Lennox indignantly retorted. "No, you are most undeserving. Mais écoute. C'est le père de la petite qui a fait le coup. Il me l'a avoué, ensuite il a claqué et depuis j'ai vu ton avocat. C'est une brute mais " "Can that," put in the keeper, a huge creature with a cauliflower face, dingy and gnarled.

That he in season sheared may be, And the shepherd be warm though his flock be cool: So I'll have a new cloak about me." Vray moyne si oncques en feut depuis que le monde moynant moyna de moynerie.

Henry, in 1598, and Francis, in 1540, each granted letters patent and edicts confirming certain Court favourites and nobles in possession of the great fur-bearing districts of Hochelaga, Terres Neuves, and also of "La Baye du Nord de Canada oui a été depuis appelle Hudson est comprise". It is plain that commerce had as much to do with early colonization as the love of conquest, ecclesiastical ambition, or the desire on the part of jaded adventurers and needy nobles for pastures new.

The authorities for the above are Denonville, Champigny, Abbe Belmont, Bishop Saint-Vallier, and the author of Recueil de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au Sujet de la Guerre, etc., depuis l'annee 1682. Belmont, who accompanied the expedition, speaks of the affair with indignation, which was shared by many French officers.