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Goodness and truth had vindicated themselves, and overwhelmed the guilty one. "Mr. Shuffles, I congratulate you on your promotion," said the chaplain, extending his hand. "I cannot accept it, sir," replied the repentant malcontent "I would like to speak with you alone, Mr. Agneau."

During all the first part of the service he neither saw nor heard, but did his work mechanically like one in a dream; and in every pause of it the old chant recurred to him, filling his heart with a separate undercurrent of solemn supplication, now in French: "Agneau de Dieu, qui effacez les peches du monde, ayez pitie de nous," and now in Latin: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis."

Agneau, I had been drinking," said Shuffles, with something like desperation in his manner, as he bent his head, and covered his face with his hands. "Drinking!" gasped the chaplain, filled with horror at the confession. "I told you I was worse than you thought I was," moaned Shuffles. "Is it possible!" "It is true, sir; I say it with shame."

Agneau had visited him, giving him good advice and religious instruction, as he did to all who were punished in any manner, and was now with his watch on deck. The new regulation was particularly odious to "our fellows," and Wilton regarded himself as a martyr to the popular cause, forgetting that he had been punished for the lies he had told.

It was dark when we entered Ratisbon, and, having been recommended to the Hotel of the Agneau Blanc, we drove thither, and alighted close to the very banks of the Danube and heard the roar of its rapid stream, turning several mills, close, as it were, to our very ears.

"A youth of eighteen in the habit of taking wine!" groaned Mr. Agneau. "I drank a great deal more than my father knew of while I was at home." "I am amazed!" "I knew you would be, sir; but I have told you the truth now." "But where did you get your liquor to-day?" "It was wine, sir." "Where did you get it?" "I brought two bottles on board with me when I reported for duty yesterday."

Agneau, after the storm and the wreck, it must be confessed that some of the consort's company went to sleep during the hour; but they were forgiven, even by the chaplain, when their zealous labors to save life and property were considered. For some reason of his own, Mr. Lowington invited the Dutch skipper and his family to attend the service, and a boat was sent for the party.

Agneau prayed earnestly for those who were suffering by the perils of the sea, and that those who should draw near unto them in the hour of their danger, might be filled with the love of God and of man, which would inspire them to be faithful to the duties of the occasion. When the service was ended the students went on deck again. The wreck could now be distinctly seen.

"Drinking and gambling!" ejaculated the chaplain. "What are we coming to?" "I fear there are other vices of which we know nothing yet," added the doctor. "Why, I'm afraid the Academy Ship will prove to be a failure, after all," sighed Mr. Agneau. "Not at all," argued Dr. Winstock. "We are in position here to treat these evils properly.

He did not deem it prudent to leave the ship in the hands of the students, at first, without any supervision, and it was arranged that the principal, Mr. Fluxion, and Mr. Peake, the boatswain, should take turns in observing the course and management of the vessel. Mr. Agneau carried the prize he had captured on deck, and informed Mr. Lowington what had just transpired in the brig.