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The following evening, when in company with all Madrid we went to the concert, behold a transformation! Soft, green, velvety sward not to be walked on, it is true, but lovely to behold covered the patches so absolutely bald twenty-four hours ago. The seed we had seen sown had sprung up as thickly as finest cut velvet. Cosa de España, indeed!

It is said even that the Indian minister supplied him with the journal of the admiral's last voyage, and the map of the countries which Columbus had discovered. The first pilot employed by Hojeda was Juan de la Cosa, born probably at Santona, in the Biscayan country.

Aggiuntevi assai tramutationi, villanelle alla napolitana, sonetti alla bergamasca et mariazi alla povana, indovinelli, ritoboli e passerotti"; cosa, this legend goes on to say, molto piacevole et utile.

'Per la lingua Italiana, sono sicuro ch'ella n'e adesso professore, a segno tale ch'io non ardisca dirle altra cosa in quela lingua se non. Addio'. LONDON, April 26, O. S. 1756. MY DEAR FRIEND: As your journey to Paris approaches, and as that period will, one way or another, be of infinite consequence to you, my letters will henceforward be principally calculated for that meridian.

VECINA. Vecinita, perdone usted que me entre así de rondón ... como la puerta estaba abierta ... y como somos uña y carne quería enseñar a usted cierta cosa ... ¡mas oiga! si tendré telarañas ... ¡su señoría la marquesa aquí! ¡Subir una marquesa ocho tramos de escalera! MARQUESA. ¿Quién es esta buena mujer? DOÑA MATILDE. Es una vecina que....

He made big promises to the sailors, and worked for weeks, until at last he was able to do what even the royal commands could not do, and a crew of ninety men was got together to man the three vessels. Captain de la Cosa commanded the Santa Maria, Captain Martin Alonso Pinzon the Pinta and his brother, Captain Vincent Pinzon, the Nina.

Among the adventurers who petitioned the court of Spain for licenses to make discoveries, was Alonzo de Hojeda, a brave man, but very poor, who had spent all he had hitherto gained; but John de la Cosa, who had been his pilot and had saved money, offered to assist him with his life and fortune.

John an independent testimony to the landfall of 1497 not off Cape North, which does not yet appear, nor inside the gulf, for it is not even indicated but in the Atlantic Ocean, at the cape of Cape Breton the "Cavo descubierto" of La Cosa.

"Does it matter? Does God care for the epitaph and tombstone?" "Datemi qualche cosa!" said the Savoyard, in his touching patois, still smiling, and holding out his little hand; therein I dropped a small coin. The boy evinced his gratitude by a new turn of the hurdy-gurdy. "That is not labor," said my companion; "and had you found him at work, you had given him nothing.

From there they marched in two days the forty-six miles to Cosa; whence they followed the Aurelian road to Marseilles, as we had ridden it, and from there marched across Gaul to Gessoriacum and shipped for Britain, all in half the time in which they had come.