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The sons of Madame Memmo were full of wit, and more likely to seduce than to be seduced; and Master Condulmer would have had too much on his hands if he had imprisoned all those who hissed the Abbe Chiari; and as for this abbe, once a Jesuit, I had forgiven him, as the famous Father Origo, himself formerly a Jesuit, had taught me to take my revenge by praising him everywhere, which incited the malicious to vent their satire on the abbe; and thus I was avenged without any trouble to myself.

Darkness then fell upon us, if a firmament begemmed with large lustrous stars could be called dark. The night wore on, varied only by two events of moment. The first was supper, for which we halted at about eleven o'clock, in the town of Chiari. At eleven at night people should think of sleeping, not of eating. Not so in Italy, where supper is still the meal of the day.

Guido was thus meanly copied by Elizabetta Sirani, and Simone Cantarini; Poussin, by Verdier and Cheron; Parmigiano, by Jeronimo Mazzuoli; Paolo Veronese and Iacomo Bassan had for their imitators their brothers and sons; Pietro de Cortona was followed by Ciro Ferri and Romanelli; Rubens, by Jacques Jordans and Diepenbeck; Guercino, by his own family, the Gennari; Carlo Marratti was imitated by Giuseppe Chiari and Pietro da Pietri; and Rembrandt, by Bramer, Eckhout, and Flink.

I felt no reluctance whatever to visit M. Zorzi, for he possessed an excellent cook and a charming wife. He knew that I did not care for Chiari as an author, and M. Zorzi had in his pay people who, without pity, rhyme, or reason, hissed all the compositions of the ecclesiastical playwright.

In 1880 Chiari said that while dissecting the body of a man who died of phthisis, he found a false aneurysm of the ascending aorta with a transverse rupture of the vessel by the side of it, which had completely cicatrized. Hill reports the case of a soldier who was stabbed with a bowie-knife nine inches long and three inches wide.

I should doubtless have married her, if an event had not happened to me towards the end of the month, of which I shall speak lower down. You will remember, dear reader, about a romance by the Abbe Chiari, a satirical romance which Mr.

The Marechal de Villeroy would have nothing to do with him. His conduct was contrasted with that of Catinat, who, free after his fall to retire from the army, continued to remain there, with rare modesty, interfering in nothing. The first campaign passed without notable incident, except an unsuccessful attack upon Chiari, by our troops on the 1st of September.

Biblioteca Ambrosiana A Lamp in a Sepulchre The Palimpsests Labours of the Monks in the Cause of Knowledge Cardinal Mai He recovers many valuable Manuscripts of the Ancients which the Monks had Mutilated Ulfila's Bible The War against Knowledge The Brazent Serpent at Sant' Ambrogio Passport Office Last Visit to the Duomo and the Arco Della Pace The Alps apostrophized Dinner at a Restaurant Leave Milan Procession of the Alps Treviglio The River Adda The Postilion Evening, with dreamy, decaying Borgos Caravaggio Supper at Chiari Brescia Arnold of Brescia.

This folly made me smile again. Each of the sonnets was a dull diatribe ending with "l'abbate Chiari e un coglione." He did not prove that he was one, but he said so over and over again, making use of the poet's privilege to exaggerate and lie.

Zorzi, who was very fond of the play, and desired to offer a sacrifice to Thalia, wrote a comedy which the audience took the liberty of hissing; but having persuaded himself that his piece only failed through the conspiracies of the Abbe Chiari, who wrote for the Theatre of St. Angelo, he declared open war against all the abbe's plays.