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No antiquary ever handled his palimpsests with greater respect than I showed in reconstructing these mutilated documents of such joy and suffering as must always be sacred to those who have known similar joy and grief. "Mademoiselle, when you have read this letter, if you ever should read it, my life will be in your hands, for I love you; and to me, the hope of being loved is life.

Many of these still remain even after the national purgation of 1870, just as the Christian inscriptions survive in the marble palimpsests of Mahometan mosques, converted from basilicas, at Damascus or Constantinople. The torii was no longer raised in plain hinoki wood, but was now constructed of hewn stone, rounded or polished.

And as sometimes you will find in an old monkish library the fair vellum that once bore lascivious stories of ancient heathens and pagan deities turned into the manuscript in which a saint has penned his Contemplations, an Augustine his Confessions, or a Jerome his Translations, so our souls may become palimpsests.

Biblioteca Ambrosiana A Lamp in a Sepulchre The Palimpsests Labours of the Monks in the Cause of Knowledge Cardinal Mai He recovers many valuable Manuscripts of the Ancients which the Monks had Mutilated Ulfila's Bible The War against Knowledge The Brazent Serpent at Sant' Ambrogio Passport Office Last Visit to the Duomo and the Arco Della Pace The Alps apostrophized Dinner at a Restaurant Leave Milan Procession of the Alps Treviglio The River Adda The Postilion Evening, with dreamy, decaying Borgos Caravaggio Supper at Chiari Brescia Arnold of Brescia.

Most old towns are like palimpsests, parchments which have been scrawled over again and again by their successive owners. Oxford, though not one of the most ancient of English cities, shows, more legibly than the rest, the handwriting, as it were, of many generations.

And it is true not of England only; for the various lands of Europe are written over like palimpsests with the story of successive conquests and dominations chronicled in their local names. You stop and ask why a place is so called, sure to be rewarded by a legend lurking beneath the title.

The theory of this new manner has had considerable light thrown upon it by the fragments of the works of Marcus Cornelius Fronto, recovered early in the present century by Angelo Mai from palimpsests in the Vatican and Ambrosian libraries at Rome and Milan. Fronto was the most celebrated rhetorician of his time, and exercised a commanding influence on literary criticism.

He who has a clear beam of memory on his backward track, and a bright light of hope on his forward one, will steer right. We attain new hopes and tastes. 'We become epistles of Christ known and read of all men, like palimpsests, Homer or Ovid written over with the New Testament gospels or epistles. Christ's work is twofold, erasure and rewriting.

The gospels are at Upsala; the epistles were found at Wolfenbuttel; while a portion of the Acts of the Apostles and of the Old Testament were extracted from the palimpsests.

The Christian monuments are not older than the fifth century, but many have been proved palimpsests and rise on pagan foundations dating from a time far more ancient than their own. The relics are divided into two classes by antiquarians: Pillar Stones and Sculptured Crosses.