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Immediately before the campaign of Dresden, in a conversation on Napoleon's character, this General observed, "Ce qui characterise cet homme, ce'st le mensonge et l'amour de la vie; Je vais l'attaquer, je le battrai, et je le verrai a mes pieds me demander la vie."

My concierge, to whom, with some emotion, I related the story of this occurrence, tried to soothe me by saying: 'J'aurais pu vous dire cela, car voyez, monsieur, cet homme ne vaut pas l'eau qu'il boit. This entirely unforeseen misfortune destroyed our last hopes of getting out of our disastrous position.

Then with a sudden change of manner, her voice grown soft and caressing, she bent over the fainting girl and slipped a plump arm under her, crooning, over her and endeavouring to restore her to consciousness. She snapped an enquiry at Craven and he explained as best he could, and his explanation brought down on him a wealth of biting sarcasm. The husband of cet ange la!

Ninon's return to the house in the Rue des Tournelles was hailed with joy by her "Birds," who received her as one returned from the dead. Saint-Evremond composed an elegy beginning with these lines: Chère Philis, qu'êtes vous devenues? Cet enchanteur qui vous a retenue Depuis trois ans par un charme nouveau Vous retient-il en quelque vieux château? The Marquis de Sévigné

"Qui est cet homme la?" said one, "comme il est epris de lui-meme." "How silly he is," cried another "how ugly," said a third. What a taste in literature such a talker such shallowness, and such assurance not worth the answering could not slip in a word disagreeable, revolting, awkward, slovenly, were the most complimentary opinions bestowed upon the unfortunate Vincent.

The priests and the noble regiments who rode back when the affair was over, were for having the Prince shot at once, and murmured loudly against "cet Anglais brutal" who interposed in behalf of the prisoner.

In proportion as hard and insoluble stones are near to their natural beds, they will be found with the sharp angles of their fracture, unless there may have been a cause of agitation and attrition on the spot; they will also be in greater quantity, cet. par. in this place; whereas the farther they may have travelled, they will naturally incline to be more rounded, and, in equal circumstances, will always be more scarce.

Soon after, a gentleman desiring some lemonade whose toga spoke the consular dignity, though his broken English betrayed a native of France, the schoolmaster followed him, and, with reverence the most profound, began to address him in Latin; but, turning quick towards him, he gaily said, "Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de representer Ciceron, le grand Ciceron, pere de sa patrie! mais quoique j'ai cet honneur-la, je ne suit pas pedant! mon dieu, Monsieur, je ne parle que le Francois dans la bonne compagnie!"

"Orang-outang nom de cet animal aux Indes orientales: Pongo nom de cet animal a Lowando Province de Congo. "Jocko, Enjocko, nom de cet animal a Congo que nous avons adopte. 'En' est l'article que nous avons retranche."

«Ce vallon offre des remarques intéressantes pour l'histoire naturelle, sa position, sa forme, et son nivellement ne laissent aucun doute que cet emplacement n'ait été le séjour des eaux; en examinant les bords du lit de la Reuss, on reconnoît que le terrain de ce vallon est par couches horizontales de pierres argileuses; le pied des montagnes qui entourent le vallon sur la droite est de pierre calcaire grise,