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Demonio! asesino! ladron! They would all be glad to see him seated in the chair of the "garrote." No "buen Catolico" would have acted as he had done no one but a sinful "heretico" a blood-loving "Americano"! How he would be punished when caught!

After a long progress from Cadiz to Ballecas, a village one league distant from this Court, and almost as long a parenthesis there which the French Court will say was no elegant piece of oratory, nor the middle at all proportionable to the beginning with me, whatever the end may prove upon the 8th instant I arrived happily at my journey's end howsoever; where, as speedily then as myself could possibly in any measure be ready for it, namely, upon the 18th, both stilo loci, I received my public audience of entrada at the King's palace, in the same form, neither more or less, as my predecessors have ever done; and only two days having since intervened, as by the account doth appear, within two or three more from the date of this, the King removing to-day unto the Buen Retiro, I do expect my first private audience.

For look ye, ye lubbers, it would be strange if a man who has been buen' camarada with the Spaniard, and guter Gesell with the Dutchman, and parleywood with Mounseer, and made the weight of his ship in gold for his owners, out of these here salvages, shouldn't be able to speak their gibberish. It's not so hard after all, do ye see, when one gets the weather guage of it.

It is in your power, best of women, by the slightest exertions, to pay him more than I could do by a life of labour. Letter VIII The Same to the Same Buen Retiro I little thought during so distressing a period of absence, to have written you a letter so gay and careless as my last.

My carriage was at the door, and I was just taking leave of Mengs when an officer appeared on the scene, and asked the painter if the Chevalier de Casanova was in his house. "I am the Chevalier de Casanova," said I. "Then I hope you will follow me of your own free will to the prison of Buen Retiro.

I dressed myself hastily, and as I was going out to see M. de R , the bargello met me, and asked me on what charge I gave the man into custody. "You will hear that at M. de R 's, where I shall await you." I must now explain my anger. You may remember, reader, that I left the wretched fellow in the prison of Buen Retiro.

Would that arrangement be agreeable to Senor de Mendoza?" "Valga me Dios! I am content," said the latter, fetching a deep breath, and setting his teeth. "I will keep my weapon." "Muy buen," returned the American. "So now let us take our ground: that is, if you are quite ready?"

At dinner I told the story of my sufferings at Buen Retiro, and the conversation I had just had with the Count of Aranda, who had returned me my letters. The company expressed a desire to see them, and everyone gave an opinion on the matter. The guests were Abbe Bigliardi, the French consul, Don Rodrigues de Campomanes, and the famous Don Pablo d'Olavides.

Vaya! how I hate that drunkard of Finisterra who brought you, he is so old and ugly; were it not for the love which I bear to the Senhor Alcalde, I would at once unlock the gate and bid you go forth, you and your servant, the buen mozo." Antonio now descended. "Follow me," said he; "his worship the alcalde will be ready to receive you in a moment."

I shall remember Spanish justice!" I embraced Mengs, had the weapons put into my carriage, and got in with the officer, who seemed a perfect gentleman. He took me to the Castle of Buen Retiro, formerly a royal palace, and now a prison. When my conductor had consigned me to the officer of the watch I was handed over to a corporal, who led me into a vast hall on the ground floor of the building.