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A Spaniard, who was one of the principal owners of the Josefa's cargo, happened to be standing beside me in the lookout; at every shot, he would, with a face of the most intense anxiety, while the perspiration hailed off his brow, slap his hands on his thighs, and shrink down on his hams, cowering his head at the same time, as if the shot had been aimed at him, and he was trying to shun it, apostrophizing himself, with an agitated voice, as follows: "Valga me Dios, que demonio, que demonio!

Love is a powerful thought, even the desert will not drive it out of one's heart. No, no; valga me dios! no!" The tone in which the Mexican repeated the last words had a tinge of sadness in it while his eyes turned upon the fire with an expression that betrayed melancholy.

My arms, which I see before me, have travelled with me for the last eleven years; I carry them to defend myself against highwaymen. After I had written out this document I gave it to the alcalde, who called for an interpreter. When he had had it read to him he rose angrily and said to me, "Valga me Dios! You shall suffer for your insolence."

The shock of surprise has imparted a momentary strength that soon passes; and his feebleness once more returning, he would fall back to the earth did he not clutch hold of the yucca, whose stiff blades sustain him. "Valga me Dios!" exclaims the girl, now more clearly perceiving his condition. "Ay de mi!" she repeats in a compassionate tone, "you are suffering, sir? Is it hunger? Is it thirst?

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué sabes ? BRUNO. Porque nunca se despierta antes de las nueve, y porque.... DON EDUARDO. Quizá valga más entonces que yo vuelva un poco más tarde. DOÑA MATILDE. No, no; ¿a qué prolongar nuestra agonía? Anda, Brunito, anda, si es que mi felicidad te interesa.

"From Carthagena, probably, beating up," replied Francisco. "Valga me Dios, if I know that, sir," said Diego, "I should have thought nothing about it; but Giacomo and Pedro, who went out to fish last night, as usual, instead of coming back before midnight, have not been heard of since." "Indeed! that is strange. Did they ever stay so long before?"

"Valga me Dios!" she cried, and ere a hand could be raised to prevent her she had buried the blade in her lovely breast and sank in a laughing, coughing, heap at his feet. A final convulsive heave and she lay there quite still, whilst Ibrahim glared down at her with eyes of dismay, and over all the market there hung a hush of sudden awe.

"There are only ruins there, senor." "That's just what I want to see." "We shall never get to Valentia to-night." "Here's a crown; we shall get there to-morrow." The crown settled everything, and the man exclaimed, "Valga me Dios, es un hombre de buen!" I saw the massive walls still standing and in good condition, and yet they were built during the second Punic War.

Would that arrangement be agreeable to Senor de Mendoza?" "Valga me Dios! I am content," said the latter, fetching a deep breath, and setting his teeth. "I will keep my weapon." "Muy buen," returned the American. "So now let us take our ground: that is, if you are quite ready?"

'From Carthagena, probably, beating up, replied Francisco. 'Valga me Dios, if I know that, sir, said Diego. 'I should have thought nothing about it; but Giacomo and Pedro, who went out to fish last night, as usual, instead of coming back before midnight, have not been heard of since. 'Indeed! that is strange. Did they ever stay so long before?