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Dancing forms the principal part of all the Khasi festivities, and is an important adjunct of some of their religious ceremonies. One of the greatest festivals in the Khasi Hills is the Nongkrem dance; it may be said to be as important an event to the Khasis as the Beh dieng-khlam festivities are to the Syntengs.

But in the Persian we have precisely the same comparative, BEHTER, with exactly the same signification, regularly formed from its positive beh, good." The second great family is the Syro-Phoenician, comprising the Hebrew, Syro-Chaldaic, Arabic, and Gheez or Abyssinian, being localized principally in the countries to the west and south of the Mediterranean.

Te u ksew haba u ioh-i b'ym don ba sngap ia ka jingmudui jong u, u la wan sha u bynriew, bad u bynriew u la ong "To wan shong noh bad nga nga'n ieng ryngkat bad me ba'n wád kyput ia ki lái phew mrád kiba leh bein ia me." Te kumta u ksew u la kohnguh bad u la wan shong bad u bynriew nadúh kata ka pór. Nangta sa long ka beh mrád u bynriew ryngkat bad ka jingiarap u ksew.

"What is it, dear? he asked, humoring her. "Do you understand German? Oh, of course, my student; but this is a sad old song; students don't sing such things. These are some of the words: 'Beh te Gott! es war zu schoen gewesen. I wish " "It is a miserable song," he said lightly; "forget it." She disengaged herself from his arms and sat down.

Whiiieeeeee Whyyy " By an effort the frightened operator at the other end of the wire pulled himself together, and sent more plainly: "When I stopped that time someone broke in here and said: 'Ha ha! Hi hi! Look behind! Look beh " Again the wire closed, again opened. "Theeeereit waaawas again!" Alex called the chief. "Mr. Allen, that 'ghost, or whatever it is "

Je suis un inventeur Anglais. Mon nom est Butteridge. Beh. oo. teh. teh. eh. arr. I. deh. geh. eh. J'avais ici pour vendre le secret de le flying-machine. Comprenez? Vendre pour l'argent tout suite, l'argent en main. Comprenez? C'est le machine a jouer dans l'air. Comprenez? C'est le machine a faire l'oiseau. Comprenez? Balancer? Oui, exactement! Battir l'oiseau en fait, a son propre jeu.