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Cheiroptera, absence of secondary sexual characters in. Chelae of crustacea. Chelonia, sexual differences in. Chenalopex aegyuptiacus, wing-knobs of. Chera progne. Chest, proportions of, in soldiers and sailors; large, of the Quechua and Aymara Indians. Chevrotains, canine teeth of. Chiasognathus, stridulation of. Chiasognathus Grantii, mandibles of.

In 1857, when the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru were suffering from a plague, they loaded a black llama with the clothes of the plague-stricken people, sprinkled brandy on the clothes, and then turned the animal loose on the mountains, hoping that it would carry the pest away with it. Occasionally the scapegoat is a man.

It is said that the Aymara Indians often make little images of frogs and other aquatic animals and place them on the tops of the hills as a means of bringing down rain. The Thompson Indians of British Columbia and some people in Europe think that to kill a frog will cause rain to fall. And ripen the wheat and millet in the field."

Forbes, D., on the Aymara Indians; on local variation of colour in the Quichuas; on the hairlessness of the Aymaras and Quichuas; on the long hair of the Aymaras and Quichaus. Forel, F., on white young swans. Forester, Hon. O.W., on an orphan hawk. Formica rufa, size of the cerebral ganglia in. Fossils, absence of, connecting man with the apes.

It was on the top of Huaynapata, while the interpreters built a fire and prepared for supper a peccary killed upon the road, that Marcoy observed the examinador holding with his Bolivians a conversation in the Aymara dialect, in which could be detected such words as anaranjada and morada. These were the well-known commercial names of two species of cinchona.

Hedge-warbler, young of the. Heel, small projection of, in the Aymara Indians. Hegt, M., on the development of the spurs in peacocks. Heliconidae, mimicry of, by other butterflies. Heliopathes, stridulation peculiar to the male. Heliothrix auriculata, young of. Helix pomatia, example of individual attachment in. Hellins, J., proportions of sexes of Lepidoptera reared by.

When he first visited me, in Isleta, he knew just three words of Tigua. In ten days he could make himself understood by the hour with the Principales in their own unwritten tongue. Of course, this was one secret of his extraordinary success in learning the inner heart of the Indians. I saw it proved again in our contact with the Quíchua and Aymará and other tribes of Peru and Bolivia.

Females, presence of rudimentary male organs in; preference of, for certain males; pursuit of, by males; occurrence of secondary sexual characters in; development of male character by. Females and males, comparative numbers of; comparative mortality of, while young. Femur and tibia, proportions of, in the Aymara Indians. Fenton, Mr., decrease of Maories; infanticide amongst the Maories.

In another row are the dealers in Indian blankets; still another is devoted to such trinkets as one might expect to find in a "needle-and-thread" shop at home. There are stolid Aymara peddlers with scores of bamboo flutes varying in size from a piccolo to a bassoon; the hat merchants, with piles of freshly made native felts, warranted to last for at least a year; and vendors of aniline dyes.

Lungs, enlargement of, in the Quichua and Aymara Indians; a modified swim-bladder; different capacity of, in races of man. Luschka, Prof., on the termination of the coccyx. Luxury, expectation of life uninfluenced by. Lycaena, sexual differences of colour in species of. Lycaenae, colours of.