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Our common little English blue butterflies of the genus Lycaena, illustrate the various differences in colour between the sexes, almost as well, though not in so striking a manner, as the above exotic genera. In Lycaena agestis both sexes have wings of a brown colour, bordered with small ocellated orange spots, and are thus alike.

It was in such places as these that I obtained many of my most beautiful small butterflies, such as Sospita statira and Taxila pulchra, the gorgeous blue Amblypodia hercules, and many others. On the skirts of the plantations I found the handsome blue Deudorix despoena, and in the shady woods the lovely Lycaena wallacei.

Gone, too, not only from Whittlesea but from the whole world, is that most exquisite of English butterflies, Lycaena dispar the great copper; and many a curious insect more. Ah, well, at least we shall have wheat and mutton instead, and no more typhus and ague; and, it is to be hoped, no more brandy-drinking and opium-eating; and children will live and not die.

Lungs, enlargement of, in the Quichua and Aymara Indians; a modified swim-bladder; different capacity of, in races of man. Luschka, Prof., on the termination of the coccyx. Luxury, expectation of life uninfluenced by. Lycaena, sexual differences of colour in species of. Lycaenae, colours of.