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Edward Bernstein, "Evolutionary Socialism," p. 143. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," pp. 58-59. The Outlook, March 13, 1909. Quoted by Jaurès, "Studies in Socialism," p. 103. Karl Kautsky, "Erfurter Programm," p. 258. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," pp. 48-49. H. G. Wells, "This Misery of Boots," p. 34. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," p. 51.

H. Vaihinger's Kommentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, vol. i., 1881, pp. 48-49. This is a work marked by acuteness, great industry, and an objective point of view which merits respect. It would be a most interesting task to trace in the writings which belong to Kant's pre-critical period the growth and development of the fundamental critical positions.

Vambéry, La Turquie d'aujourd'hui et d'avant Quarante Ans, p. 32. Cooper, op. cit., pp. 48-49. On this point of comfort v. luxury, see especially Sir Bampfylde Fuller, "East and West: A Study of Differences," Nineteenth Century and After, November, 1911. L. Bertrand, op. cit., 145-147; J. Chailley, Administrative Problems of British India, pp. 138-139.

"In the Odyssey there are two such visions which turn out to be realities: that of Nausicaa, Bk. vi. 20, etc., and that of Penelope, Bk. xix. 535, etc. In the former case we are told that the vision occurred just before dawn; I. 48-49, αὐτίκα δ' Ἠὼςἦλθεν, 'straightway came the Dawn, etc. In the latter, there is no special mention of the hour.