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Etre simple, c'est le comble de l'art. Ca vous donne," he added, with clasped hands and a step backward, "ca vous donne tout a fait l'air d'une dame de Nattier." Madame took the hand-glass, and did not deny that she was eblouissante. If madame, suggested Monsieur Cadron, had but a little dress a la Marie Antoinette?

Fleda thought how little she knew what was borne! "Why, you could bear it, I suppose, if you had to," said Edith, philosophically. "She knows she looks most beautiful," said Florence, softly passing her cologned hands down over the smooth hair "she knows Il faut souffrir pour être belle. " "La migraine ne se guérit avec les douceurs," said Mr.

Selon l'esclave renégat, celle de Médine doit annuellement être compossée de sept cent mille personnes; et quand ce nombre n'est pas complet, Dieu; pour le remplir, y envoie des agnes. Au grand jour du jugement Mahomet fera entrer en paradis autant de personnes qu'il voudra, et la ils auront

Tout doit etre subordonne a ce but. L'Homme sur le premier plan, le reste au fond. This passage is interesting as coming from the first great French dramatist who employed archaeology on the stage, and whose plays, though absolutely correct in detail, are known to all for their passion, not for their pedantry for their life, not for their learning.

Etre et pas avoir to be, not to possess that is the problem of life. To be wealthy, a rich nature is the first requisite and money but the second.

«Ces montagnes ne sont pas telles que V.M. pourroit se les figurer naturellement; il faut y être monté pour s'en former une juste idée. Ce sont des montagnes sur d'autres montagnes. De près on ne voit que les parties inférieures; de loin tout se confond; il faut donc être arrivé sur une des premières terrasses pour voir les secondes; sur celles-ci pour les troisièmes; et ainsi de suite.

John Paul was no less astonished at my little ruse. "Holy Saint Clement!" exclaimed our host; "pirates! This begins to have a flavour indeed. And yet you do not seem to be a lad with an imagination. Egad, Mr. Carvel, I had put you down for one who might say, with Alceste: 'Etre franc et sincere est mon plus grand talent. But pray go on, sir. You have but to call for pen and ink to rival Mr.

When you remember the painfully slow way you have learnt avoir and être at school it is maddening to think that this child, much younger than you, can rattle away in French without any trouble, and it is still more annoying that when you did think you knew a little French you cannot make out one single word! French spoken is so very different from French learnt out of a book!

Certains droits et privileges de la noblesse me paraissent etre des moyens de soutenir ce sentiment." * * "The principle of monarchies is honor seems to me incontestable. Certain rights and privileges for the aristocracy appear to me a means of maintaining that sentiment." The smile vanished from Speranski's white face, which was much improved by the change.

His art developed and grew systematized under the Republic and the Empire; but Napoleon, whose genius crystallized the elements of everything in all fields of intellectual effort with which he occupied himself, did little but formally "consecrate," in French phrase, the art of the painter of "The Oath of the Horatii" and the originator and designer of the "Fête" of Robespierre's "Être Suprême."