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'Transactions, International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology' 1868, pp. 172-175. Man can long resist conditions which appear extremely unfavourable for his existence. Dr. In the southern extremity of America the Fuegians survive without the protection of clothes, or of any building worthy to be called a hovel.

"That is too bad," condoled Fox, "especially as I remember so well what a soft-spoken, lamb-like little tin angel you used to be, Jim." Fox, who had quite dropped his old office self, winked at Bob. The latter felt encouraged to say: "I had a course in college on archaeology. Don't remember much about it, but one thing.

Freddy opened a copy of the annual report of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt and pointed to pages and pages of written records, outline drawings, measurements and diagrams and plans of tombs and excavations, even accurate copies of small pieces of broken vases and plates and jars almost everything which had been dug up was carefully recorded; nothing seemed too small or incomplete to be of value.

Last year it was archaeology, the year before, basketry, this year it happened to be eugenics, or something funny like that, next year again it might be book-binding. "So you and your pink and white shepherdess are going off on a little trip together?" she queried banteringly. "The girl's a darling, Lendicott!

Kent, where you can talk about archaeology. Mr. Carter tells me he knows nothing about such subjects, so he will have to amuse Kathleen and me." "What errand brings you to Wolverhampton, Mr. Carter?" inquired Blair, thinking to unmask his opponent's weapons as quickly as possible. Carter was a little staggered by this, but his effrontery was up to the test.

The German school may perhaps be said to have devoted its time especially to labours upon Egyptian grammar and philology, while the French school is better known for its excellent work on the history and archaeology of ancient Egypt.

Or, he may resort to that kind of evidence which is yielded by history proper, and consists of the beliefs of men concerning past events, embodied in traditional, or in written, testimony. Or, when that thread breaks, archaeology, which is the interpretation of the unrecorded remains of man's works, belonging to the epoch since the world has reached its present condition, may still guide him.

Archaeology, which in this aspect is the special stratigraphy of man, sanctions an extension of time, since not merely human beings but organized societies of men made their appearance in Europe, which far exceeds the period required, or commonly assumed, for the spread of any known Indo-European language, from any possible 'home' to any region where it was spoken at the beginning of historic time.

Fuller in The Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani and The Chatelaine of La Trinité played with sentimental pilgrimages in Italy or the Alps, packing his narratives with the most affectionate kind of archaeology and yet forever scrutinizing them with a Yankee smile. A little later, when Howells's followers had become more numerous, Mr.

She had dabbled in a good many sciences geology, astronomy, architecture, physiology, botany, natural history, and archaeology all had their turn, and she certainly seemed to get a good deal of interest and amusement out of them all.