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Pierre Dan, Ministre et Superieur du Convent de la Sainte Trinité et Redemption des Captifs, fondé au Chasteau de Fontaine-bleau, et Bachelier en Theologie, de la Faculté de Paris. Avec Privilege de sa Majesté. 1637. Several Voyages to Barbary, second ed., Lond., 1736. 16th to 18th Centuries.

And one day, at La Trinite, Pierre had surprised her secret, on seeing her behind the church exchanging a few hasty words with a well-groomed, distinguished-looking man. The priest's sudden appearance in the refreshment-room had somewhat disconcerted Madame Volmar. "What an unexpected meeting, Monsieur l'Abbe!" she said, offering him her long, warm hand.

Less than a century later, a like attempt was made to force the entrance to the valley of Angrogna, by an army of Italians and Spaniards, under the command of the Count de la Trinité. A proclamation had been published, and put up in the villages of Angrogna, to the effect that all would be destroyed by fire and sword who did not forthwith return to the Church of Rome.

"Many thanks, dear friend.... But what is it you are doing all the time? What is it you see?" As the hansom swung round the dark pile of the Trinité, Lanyard had for the third time twisted round in his seat, to peep back up the rue Pigalle through the little window in the rear. "As I thought!" He let the leather flap fall over the peep-hole and sat back.

I know very well that it is wrong to feign piety, to mingle religion with my heart affairs. But what would you? I am forced to it. If you saw me in Paris behind La Trinite it was because that church is the only place to which I am allowed to go alone; and if you find me here at Lourdes it is because, in the whole long year, I have but these three days of happiness and freedom."

There are not many glimpses of this melancholy in the letters meant for the eye of his beloved trinité féminine, as he playfully called his wife and two daughters. 'A quoi bon vous attrister, he asked bravely, 'sans raison et sans profit? Occasionally he cannot help letting out to them how far his mind is removed from composure.

As soon as Claude and Christine reached the Place de la Trinite on their way home, the painter let go of his wife's arm; and, stammering that he had to go somewhere, he begged her to return to the Rue Tourlaque without him. She had felt him shuddering, and she remained quite scared with surprise and fear. Somewhere to go at that hour past midnight! Where had he to go, and what for?

For, once left alone, in solitude and in the apartments on the Place de la Trinite, where twenty details testified to the visit of Gorka, the weight of the perjured word of honor became a heavy load to the novelist, so much the more heavy when he discovered the calculating plan followed by Boleslas. His tardy penetration permitted him to review the general outline of their conversation.

It stands about two miles from the shore, is more than 4000 yards long by 100 yards wide, and has a most formidable appearance with its circular forts and batteries of guns. The church of La Trinite was built during the English occupation and must have been barely finished before the evacuation of the place in 1450.

It stands about two miles from the shore, is more than 4000 yards long by 100 yards wide, and has a most formidable appearance with its circular forts and batteries of guns. The church of La Trinite was built during the English occupation and must have been barely finished before the evacuation of the place in 1450.