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What contribution has she made to the sum of the world's progress, to the cause of civilisation to the well-being of mankind? The answer to these questions is writ in characters of miserable failure. In no other part of the world has the European left so futile and so fruitless a trace of his presence as the Lusitanian has left upon the eastern shores of this Continent.

«Should recent and pending negotiations lead to a definitive understanding between England and Germany as to the future relations of the two powers in Central and Southern Africa, the future of this continent will all at once have passed into a phase which will be, when compared with the past, as light is from darkness.

The Brazilian Government | The Portuguese Government shall engage not only | shall engage to evacuate not to undertake any expedition | any Port or Place, against other Colonies, | which it may continue to occupy or Settlements, of | on that part of the Portugal, but not to entertain | Continent of America, any Proposition | which constitutes the Brazilian which may be made to | Territory. them for the alienation | from Portugal, or union | with Brazil of any of the | said Colonies or Settlements. |

Longo e muito longo seria o capitulo dos items d'esta politica sobranceira e pouco escrupulosa, de que lord Palmerstron tanto abuzou, arrogando para si um direito, na sem ceremonia com que desdenhosamente legislava para estados independentes, em violação flagrante dos mais sagrados principios que regem a moral e a justiça das nações. Era a proposito de uma tal politica, que o conde de Ficquelmont, na sua notavel obra lord Palmerston, l'Angleterre et le continent, dizia em phrase de severa condemnação: «Aucune forme de gouvernement ne peut donner le droit d'avoir dans sa législation, des principes hostiles aux autres

But the very fact that for 300 years the flag of Portugal has waved along the East Coast involves the condemnation of Portuguese rule. For what is there to show for it? What use has Portugal made of her acquisitions or opportunities? What effect has she produced upon the destinies of the Continent? What part has she played?

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