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«Should recent and pending negotiations lead to a definitive understanding between England and Germany as to the future relations of the two powers in Central and Southern Africa, the future of this continent will all at once have passed into a phase which will be, when compared with the past, as light is from darkness.

Were any power other than Portugal to establish itself at Delagoa Bay the case might be different; but so long as the present regime abides at the northern port we can afford to go on our way steadily, seeking to conserve and to retain whatever trade we at present command.» E outro mais grave publicado em o numero de 20 de janeiro ultimo. The powers in Africa, January, 16

«To educate is to bring out all the powers that are in the child and to traim him to use them to the best advantage of himself and indirectly of the nation of which he is a part». Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores: A arte de educar é fundamentalmente a arte de regular a conduta presente e futura dos que se têm de educar.

These three Powers, acting in concert and in good faith, would soon malte Africa an efficient rival to South America. Saxon energy, and Saxon enterprise would co-operate to rescue the Dark Continent from the sleep of ages, and to open out an era of vigorous dovelopment and social advancement that, but yesterday was a mere dream».

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