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"It looks to me," he replied quietly, "like a sort of hystero-epilepsy. It is well known, I believe, to demonologists those who have studied this sort of thing. They have recognized the contortions, the screams, the wild, blasphemous talk, the cataleptic rigidity. They are epileptiform." Vaughn said nothing, but continued to weigh Kennedy as if in a balance.

I, who knew him, knew that it would take a greater than Vaughn to find him wanting, once Kennedy chose to speak. As for Vaughn, was he trying to hide behind some technicality in medical ethics? "Dr. Vaughn," continued Craig, as if goading him to the point of breaking down his calm silence, "you are specialist enough to know these things as well, better than I do.

Later, as we drew close to Uvalde, Sally and I sat in one seat, after the manner of Diane and Vaughn, and we looked out over the west where the sun was setting behind dim and distant mountains. We were fast leaving the wild and barren border. Already it seemed far beyond that broken rugged horizon with its dark line silhouetted against the rosy and golden sky.

The cavalry moved with such rapidity as to capture every picket; but the brigade of Vaughn had artillery in position, covered by earthworks, and displayed a force too respectable to be carried by a cavalry dash, so that darkness closed in before General Howard's infantry got up.

"I know you don't, but I do. Captain Shard's mother was a Vaughn. Now, do you see?" "Good gracious! But it seems to me as if that don't amount to much. Why should this man want to hurt me?" "Hold on. This man Shard's mother was sister to the Vaughn who killed your father, and whom my brother had fought on account of it. Don't you see?

Every one he met looked at him compassionately. Finally he saw Jase Vaughn, and remembered that he owed Jase five dollars. He put his hand in his pocket and drew out a rattlesnake. Even this did not waken him, though he thought he was back at the shack by the tar kiln. The ground seemed to be covered with snakes.

The cavalry was to move in conjunction with Warren and Humphreys, and make its way out beyond our left as these corps opened the road. "MAJOR-GENERAL P. H. SHERIDAN: "The Fifth Army Corps will move by the Vaughn road at 3 A.M. tomorrow morning.

During the entire winter General Grant's lines fronting Petersburg had extended south of the Appomattox River, practically from that stream around to where the Vaughn road crosses Hatcher's Run, and this was nearly the situation Wilien the cavalry concentrated at Hancock Station, General Weitzel holding the line north of the Appomattox, fronting Richmond and Bermuda Hundred.

More like it was a certain handsome young gentleman I could tell you about. "'I'll tell you what it is, Mr. Vaughn, said the woman, eyeing me closely, 'you are wasting valuable time that might be better employed than in following up an adventuress. Take the advice of a disinterested friend, and let this Miss Graystone alone.

And I, tongue-tied for once, said nothing. Wright had returned and was now standing, cigarette between lips, in the door leading out to the patio. At the same moment that I heard a heavy tramp of boots, from the porch side I saw Wright's face change remarkably, expressing amaze, consternation, then fear. I wheeled in time to see Vaughn Steele bend his head to enter the door on that side.