United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is that of the moral specialist, who has only one hobby and traces every human ill to strong liquor or tobacco, or the corset, or taxation of personal property, or denial of universal suffrage, or the eating of meat, or the want of the centralization of nearly all initiative and interest and property in the state.

He is an unemotional character, living in his business almost as exclusively as the Scarabee, but without any of that eagerness and enthusiasm which belong to our scientific specialist. His work is largely, principally, I may say, mechanical.

Therefore, regarding the hemorrhage as a necessary evil, they fail to consult a specialist until the favorable time for eradicating the disease by means of an operation has passed.

Ah!" he breathed as he examined each one; and to and fro wagged the grizzled beard. "I'm afraid ! I must have help. This is a case that will require a specialist." The tone was so solemn that it frightened her. "Oh, do you mean we need a Doctor?" Puffy was trembling weakly. "I lost some cotton-batting once before," he half-whispered to Gwendolyn. "It was when you were teething.

"Then you attribute it to the accident first of all?" she asked, eagerly. "Not a doubt about it," the specialist answered. "The region you indicate is just the one where similar illusory ideas are apt to arise from external injuries. The bruise gave the cause, and circumstances the form. Besides, the case is normal quite normal altogether. Does he have frequent outbreaks?" Mrs.

They were up with the track-layers, now, in a country of huge bare hills and high-lying, waterless valleys; and the president had halted the caravan to give his guests a chance to see a modern railroad in the actual throes of evolution. In a specialist in the trade, Ford's genius might have invoked enthusiasm.

She did not have perfect confidence in the skill of the Patesville physicians, and to obtain the best medical advice had gone to New York during the summer, remaining there a month under the treatment of an eminent specialist.

In spite of the socialistic and egalitarian verbiage behind which the government operated, there seemed to be a numerous elite class and if gold were not a monetary metal it was not despised for purposes of ostentation. There were several large art museums. Vann Larch, their nearest approach to an art specialist, took charge of culling the best from them. And there was a vast public library.

She was twenty-four, tall and trim, with friendly blue-gray eyes and a wit that had been sharpened by adversity. It cannot be denied that Mrs. Bassett and Marian found Harwood a convenient reed upon which to lean. Mrs. Bassett, scorning the doctors of Fraserville, had now found a nerve specialist at the capital who understood her troubles perfectly.

He was no specialist, pinned to one standpoint, and making the width of the world commensurate with the narrowness of his own horizon. He moved about, he looked abroad; he had no pet subject, no restricted field of study; nature and human nature in their multitudinous phases and many retreats were his range, and he expressed his views as freely and vigorously as he took them.