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Has not Lareau said," and he smiled half in joke, half seriously, "that we are a people of ideals." They returned to their fishing in silence, broken by a meditative query now and then from Chrysler, but no movement of curiosity from the Bonhomme. "Sister Elisâ," lisped Rudolphe, the tiny boy. Ch'ysl' has told me he was a Canadian."

Indignant at his dusky rival's success, Beethoven erased his name from the title-page and substituted that of Rudolphe Kreutzer. The curious thing about this great piece of music, known to fame as the "Kreutzer Sonata," is that Beethoven had never seen Kreutzer, and that Kreutzer never played the sonata.

Henri! it is your turn." "I am going to be an advocate." "And I am going to be a Rouge," replied little Rudolphe. "Hah, we are all Rouges," replied Henri. "O, well I will be, then Monseigneur, like Monsieur Chamilly." The garden stretched behind the manor-house. Along its paths these children delighted to explore the motherly currant-bushes.

The actual inception of the cathedral is attributed to Rudolphe de Turenne, forty-sixth Archbishop of Bourges. Of his known work only the round-arched crypt remains, upon which foundation the present grand pile was reared. The west front possesses a quintette of portals, deeply recessed, but of a decidedly mixed Gothic and Renaissance treatment as to decoration.

The little ones ran, sat and played around her; Henri, Rudolphe and Elisâ in the pride of their enterprise tugging the long beam by which horse or man in the preceding century had turned the conical cap of the mill; their efforts cracking and shaking the crazy roof, but availing nothing except to disturb a crow or two near by, among the white birches through whose clusters gleamed the River in the sun.

Her Majesty the Queen will be ready to receive you in a moment." Behind him came the little Duc Rudolphe, who was informing some of his friends as though it were a fine piece of scandal: "The Grand Duchess Alexandra hasn't come yet ... and they are wondering if she will come."

He delighted the world with his wisdom, and made an honourable figure at the coronation of Duke Rudolphe. Count Ludwig had him inclosed in a cold roast peacock, served up in all his plumage. It was at that time one of the greatest delicacies, served up garnished all round with sucking pigs, gilded and silvered.

During the banquet Otto kept spreading the peacock's tail, and all the lords, courtiers, and ladies of high birth were astonished and delighted at this wonderful piece of mechanism. At last he came out, sword in hand, and shouted with a loud voice "Long live Duke Rudolphe!" and the cry was repeated with acclamations by the whole table.

Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz was also a born naturalist, but no such obstacles confronted him as Audubon surmounted, nor did he strike out for himself a field so absolutely original. Born in Switzerland in 1807, the descendent of six generations of preachers, but destined for the profession of medicine, he refused to be anything but a naturalist.

Say it as to the Holy Virgin." Elisâ went through it in a soft manner to the end. "Rudolphe; the Seven Commandments of the Church." The childish accents of the little one repeated them: Mass on Sundays them shalt hear And on feasts commanded thee. Once at least in every year, Must thy sins confessed be. Thy Creator take at least At Easter with humility.