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As for this yere Cherokee, he ain't stopped no more stages than I be. "'But you sees yourse'f, ma'am, you hasn't the slightest evidence tharof, says Enright, tryin' to soothe her down. "'I has, however, what's a mighty sight better than evidence, says Missis Rucker, 'an' that's my firm convictions. "'Well, see yere, says Cherokee, who's been listenin' all peaceful, 'let me in on this.

"Ain't you 'shamed of yourse'f to let a passel o' no-'count men fool you this-a-way?" she demanded, sternly, when he had somewhat recovered himself. "Get up behind me. I'm goin' to take you to Mis' Bishop's, where you belong. No, don't you dassen to tech any o' that trash!" Mr.

"Thar's but one way to meet an' cope successful with a day like this," he ran on, "an' that is to put yourse'f in the hands of a joodicious barkeep put yourse'f in his hands an' let him pull you through.

It's no use; I knows I'll loathe myse'f for crawlin' the hump of a gent who's totterin' on the brink of the grave; but whatever else can I do? Vows is vows an' must be kept, so you might as well prepare yourse'f for a cloud of sudden an' painful vicissitoodes. "As Ugly Collins says this he kind o' reaches for the invalid gent where he's camped in a cha'r.

About three o'clock, a messenger came down to the cotton-field, crying: "Mas'r dyin'! Mas'r's dyin'! Come quick, Jack. Mas'r's dyin'!" In his private room, Jack found his master on the floor in agony, crying: "O Jack, I'm sinking down to hell! Pray for me! Pray for me!" "I'se been prayin' for you all de time, mas'r. You mus' pray for yourse'f." "I don't know how to pray, Jack.

You see, arter de doctor done set his arm an' leg, an' splintered of 'em up, an' boun' up his wounds an' bruises, he gib him some'at to 'pose his nerves and make him sleep, an' it done hev him into dis state; which you see yourse'f is nyder sleep nor wake nor dead nor libe." Claudia saw indeed that he was under the effects of morphia.

For one thing, Dave's about as extemporaneous a prop'sition as ever sets in a saddle, an' thar's times when you give Dave licker an' convince him it's a o'casion for joobilation, an' you-all won't have to leave no 'call' with the clerk to insure yourse'f of bein' out early in the mornin. Son, Dave would keep that camp settin' up all night.

I'd advise you to p'int for Red Dog, but as to that you plays your hand yourse'f." "Next day that old drunkard Monte comes swingin' in with the stage; the six hosses on the jump, same as he allers does with a woman along. Over at the post-office, where he stops, a lady gets out, an' of course we-alls bows p'lite an' hopes she's well an' frisky. She allows she is, an' heads for the O. K. House.

Teague Poteet gave the signal "Come, Cap," he said to Woodward, "yess be a-traipsiu'. Puss'll be a-puttin' on biskits for supper before we git thar if we don't push on. Be good to yourse'f, boys, an' don't raise no fracas." Poteet and Woodward rode off together. That afternoon, half a mile from Poteet's, they met a woman running in the road, crying and wringing her hands wildly.

"You might jest as well go an' shoot yourse'f before startin'. That'll save your hoss the long ride, an' it'll bring you to jest the same end." "Listen!" said Buck, "they's the wolf mournin'!" "Buck, you're loco!" "Hush, pa!" whispered Mrs. Daniels. She caught the hand of her brawny son. "Buck, I'm no end proud of you, lad. If you die, it's a good death! Tell me, Buck dear, have you got a plan?"