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The following salve has been found of great value in facilitating recovery: Two heaped tablespoonfuls of vaseline or cosmoline, willow charcoal, one teaspoonful; canadies pinus canadensis, twenty-five drops; sulphate morphia, five grains. Mix well and apply up the rectum with the fingers as far as possible.

The Confederate soldier fought a host of ills occasioned by the deprivation of chloroform and morphia, which were excluded from the Confederacy, by the blockade, as contraband of war.

But it must not be continued longer, and hinder the next step. This is to inject weak acetic acid into the bite. Where snakes are abundant, a small syringe, such as is used to inject morphia, with a rather blunt point, should be always carried, and acetic acid of the right strength. The injection must be thorough, and of course pain must be borne to avoid greater evil.

Then fortifying his nerves carefully with morphia he went home and broached the project to his wife and Mildred, plausibly advancing the idea that the change might restore his failing health.

To the distilling process, also, may be due the different symptoms resulting from smoking chandu and injecting morphia or drinking tincture of opium, as De Quincey did. Rita found the flavor of the preparation to be not entirely unpleasant.

The obscure causes of it were hidden from her; she could only pity and grieve; and Fenwick, unable to satisfy her, unable to re-establish his own equilibrium, full of remorse towards her, and of despair about his art, whereof the best forces and inspirations seemed to have withered within him like a gourd in the night, went from one folly to another, while his pictures steadily deteriorated, his affairs became involved, and a shrewd observer like Lord Findon wondered who or what the deuce had got hold of him whether he had begun to take morphia or had fallen into the clutches of a woman.

And it dawned in his mind that this was the true intoxication of the gambler, the delicious anguish of playing with the unknown. It was a more dangerous intoxication than he had supposed it to be, because more subtle, as the effect of cocaine or morphia is more insidious than that of alcohol.

Having obtained the syringe and a vial of the solution of morphia, he injected into his arm a much larger quantity than the physician would have dreamed of employing. Not only did the unendurable anguish pass away within a few brief moments, but the world was transfigured; life's grim outlook became full of the richest promise, and discouragement and dread vanished utterly.

So that's why I have it." She was examining the bottles. "But you have atropin also. Why is that?" "There's a good deal of ophthalmia or trachoma floating around some native districts. I thought I might experiment." "And this" she picked up a third bottle "ah, yes, morphia. But how much alike they all are."

"If I liked the beastly stuff, I should swim in it to-morrow," he would say with an angry eye when certain acquaintance not those he made at Labour Congresses goaded him on the point. "As it is, why should I make it, or chloral, or morphia, or any other poison, my master! What's the inducement eh, you fellows?" En revanche he smoked inordinately.