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We couldn't gib him more'n two, 'cause he'd hab to hide what he couldn't eat at once, an' de drivers would be sure to diskiver 'em. But two biskits could be gobbled quick on de sly, an' would help to make him fat, an' to make you easy." "So they would," said Hester, eagerly entertaining the idea after this explanation; "you're a clever girl, Sally " "You say I's stoopid jest now!"

He chucked over loaves o' bread, bits o' beef and pork, an' scores o' biskits, and by-and-bye, when the brute plucked up heart an' came arter us again, he fairly beamed with joy.

Such compliments as passed between them and the figure-aunts! such a munshin of biskits and sippin of brandy! such "O mong Jews," and "O sacrrres," and "kill fay frwaws!"

"De biskits is cold, and de steaks is cold as as ice, and dinner's spiled!" said Curlypate, a girl about three years old, as Mr. Blake came in from his forenoon of visiting. She tried to look very much vexed and "put out," but there was always either a smile or a cry hidden away in her dimpled cheek. "Pshaw! Curlypate," said Mr. Blake as he put down his cane, "you don't scold worth a cent!"

"De fust time yes; but dat won't prevent him gobblin' up de biskits quick. Neber fear, you an' me'll manidge it 'tween us." "Thank you, dear Sally, I'll never, never forget your kindness, and we will try your plan to-morrow." The very next day, accordingly, Hester Sommers and her friend sallied forth to present Hugh Sommers with a couple of biscuits!

You an' me we'll go to markit ebery day wid baskits on our arms, an we'll ob course go round by de walls, where your fadder works. No doubt it's a roundabout way, but what ob dat? We'll go at de hour your fadder feeds wid de oder slabes, an' as we pass we'll drop de two biskits in his lap." "But won't he be taken by surprise, Sally?"

Teague Poteet gave the signal "Come, Cap," he said to Woodward, "yess be a-traipsiu'. Puss'll be a-puttin' on biskits for supper before we git thar if we don't push on. Be good to yourse'f, boys, an' don't raise no fracas." Poteet and Woodward rode off together. That afternoon, half a mile from Poteet's, they met a woman running in the road, crying and wringing her hands wildly.

They don't take the place of turkey, but they are good vittles. "Dito for the hens that lay eggs so we cant kill them for Thanksgiving dinner. "Dito for the eggs. They meen muny, Gale says. "Dito for the hot biskits we are going to have for supper. "Dito cause this paper wont hold any more. My hand akes. "Amen. Peace Greenfield."

Ob course I got awrful t'in so t'in dat w'en I stood side-wise you could hardly see me. Well, what de way to get fat an' strong? Why, eat, ob course. Eat eat eat. Das de way. Now, your fadder git not'ing but black bread, an' not 'nuff ob dat; an' he git plenty hard work too, so he git t'in. So, what I prupposes is to gib him two good biskits ebery day.

My wife's biskits throwed into the mud and mire!" He lighted the fuse of the dynamite, ran to the team and popped the explosive into the stove oven and slammed the door. Then he flew to his sack, hoisted it to his shoulder and staggered back toward the dry well. At this critical juncture there did not arise one of those rare spirits to perform an act of noble self-sacrifice.