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Hell is paved with good intentions and the first result of my desire to benefit mankind has been to injure the Dinkmans. Meditation in place of infatuation would have shown me both the immediate and ultimate wrongs. I doubt if youd been gone an hour yesterday when I knew I'd made a blunder in permitting you to go out with danger in both hands."

"'SUNDAY. I wish the Lord had created mine curly because I dont dass to ask Aunt Olivia. I don't dass to, so there. It scares my throat. I supose its because aunts arnt mothers seems as if youd dass to ask your MOTHER. I hate to be scart on acount of being a Plummer. Im afraid Im the only Plummer that ever was " The reading suddenly stopped here.

The message was a triumphal result of the education of the freedmen's evening school, and succinctly said: "ive Gut IT. Nobuddy Wunt Nuss me. Norr no Docter nEther. "P. S. Joopiter the Durn hee sed he'd kerry This i dont Serpose youd kum. The sun went down that night as red as it had risen. There were no clouds. There was no wind. There was no frost.

Living within your income is fine, but the world lacks the goods youd have bought on the installmentplan; getting what you need is sound policy, but how many lives were lightened by the young men working their way through college, or the fullerbrushman? I think there was a subconscious realization of this which came gradually to the top.

ZOO. Stuff! Youd drop dead if a tertiary as much as looked at you. The oracle is only a hundred and seventy; and you'll find it hard enough to stand her. THE ENVOY. Whew! Stand by me, Poppa. This is a little more than I bargained for. Are you going to kneel; or how? THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Perhaps it would be in better taste. The two men kneel.

"I wish youd come with me for a few minutes; I have a proposition which might interest you." In the darkness I could see him peering at me suspiciously. "Is this some worldly seduction from the Christian path?" "I think you will find what I have to offer a material aid to your church." "I have no church," he said. "We are Christians and recognize no manmade institution."

"For John bumpuss, aboord the Schooner fome "my darlin Jo, "ever sins you towld me yisterday that youd bin an gaged yerself into the fome, my mind has been Onaisy.

Let me alone, you trouble me; I feele A soddaine change; each organ of my soule Suffers a strong vicissitude; and, though I do detest a voluntary death, My Conscience tells me that it is most iust That the cursd author of such impious ills Ought not to live. Tho. O thinke not soe: those words Retaine affinity with that passion I hop'd youd left.

Perkins writes me that "on accounts of no skare krows bein put up krows cum and digged fust crop up but soon got nother in. Old Bisbee who was frade youd cut his sons leggs off Ses you bet go an stan up in feeld yrself with dressin gownd on & gesses krows will keep way. This made Boys in store larf. no More terday from "Yours respecful "Eli Perkins," "his letter." My friend Mr.

I received a letter addressed in a peculiar but not ornate hand, and I opened it with misgivings and read it with consternation. MR. STANHOPE SIR: Prudence and I thinks youd better come home. The plummer was hear twice yisterday and the cutworms is awfle. Hero got glass in her foot and the brown tale moths is bad again wich is al for the presnt. Respecfuly