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"Call yersilves the Three Points, do ye? An' would ye know what I call ye? The Young Ladies' Seminary!" bellowed another with withering scorn. A third member of the audience alluded to them as "stiffs." "I fear, Comrade Windsor," said Psmith, "that our blithe friends below are beginning to grow a little unpopular with the many-headed.

"That same thing would bring yez five hundred dollars, any day, in San Francisco," added Tim O'Rooney. "It'll pay yez to carry it there." "It is just the thing to wrap around us when we lie down to sleep." "Yis, if ye wraps up in that yez'll wake up and find yersilves roasted to dith. Yez might as well crawl into an oven and bake yersilves and be done with it."

Ye byes wont be scared of being lift to yersilves fur a few days?" he asked with so much earnestness that they hastened to assure him he need have no misgivings on that point. "We shall keep hard at it while you are away, but since Jeff is also absent we shall be lonely." "Luk fur me very soon. I'll advise Jiff to make ye an extra allowance for yer wurruk while him and me is doing nothing."

"They might raise a rescue party and follow us." "But they wouldn't frop any chost I mean chop any frost with us." "Pwhat's thot?" came suspiciously from the driver. "An' is it not softmores ye are yersilves?" "Of course we are," returned Harry, instantly. "Thin pwhat fer do ye yell fer 'Umpty-eight?" "Oh, it's a way we have.

"Well, if she is, faith! 'tis yersilves has kilt her." "She's just in a swoond," asserted Mrs. Coe, calmly. "Wot she needs is brandy. Yus, and terbaccer smoke blowed dahn 'er froat." Mrs. Handsomebody moaned. "Better get her out of here," suggested Angel, his eye on Coppertoes who, sated by bloodshed, lay with wings outstretched, panting on the floor of the case. "Thrue," agreed Mary Ellen.

"Well," he said, with a wink, "you gave him something better than tea I saw you!" "Aw, well, my dear," replied Mary Ellen, without smiling, "a man that do be boardin' all the time likes a little attintion sometimes an' a taste o' home cookin'. Now hark to my plan. I mane to have a little feast of oyster stew, an' cake, an' coffee, an' the like this very night, fer Mr. Watlin an' me, an' yersilves.

Now, I'll putt ye in a little room all be yersilves, with a windy and a log-fire; cozy as ye plaze. Ye'll have nearly two hours to wait for the car-r from the village." We entered the general assembly-room. It was roomy and quaint, and somewhere above us was the inevitable room in which George Washington had slept. The great hooded fireplace was merry with crackling logs.

"And shut the dure afther ye, and make yersilves scarce till tea-time, like good childer, do." Mrs. Handsomebody was borne away by Mary Ellen and Mrs. Coe, the latter still muttering "terbaccer smoke dahn 'er froat." We restored Coppertoes to his wicker cage, and wrapping it in an antimacassar, hid it beneath the piano.

Mary Ellen was alone, her work done, her nose buried in a novel of such fine print that it necessitated the lamp's being perilously near the fringe of frowsy hair that covered her forehead. We were inside the kitchen before she was recalled from the high life in which she revelled. "Is it yersilves?" she exclaimed, with a start.