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"My!" said Johnny, with half-real, half-affected admiration, "how splendiferous!" "Sore froat," said Florry, in a whisper, trying to insert her two chubby fingers between the bandage and her chin. "I mussent go outer the garden patch! I mussent play in the woods, for I'll be seed! I mussent stay long, for they'll ketch me outer bed!"

"Does you feel so bad?" said little Flyaway, gazing on her sober cousin with pity; "your mouth looks just this way;" and, putting up both hands, she drew down her own little lips at the corners. "Yes, I feel bad," said Dotty. "You needn't talk to me; where's your orange?" "I squoze it," replied Flyaway; "and falled it down my froat. But I didn't had enough. If you pees, um, give me some more."

Where would I be when my froat was dry? Oh! Where would I be when the bullets fly? Oh! Where would I be when I come to die? Why, Somewheres anigh my chum. If 'e's liquor 'e'll give me some, If I'm dyin' 'e'll 'old my 'ead, An' 'e'll write 'em 'Ome when I'm dead. Gawd send us a trusty chum! Barrack Room Ballad. My friends Mulvaney and Ortheris had gone on a shooting-expedition for one day.

Shoot vem in ve mouth, down ve froat, so as not to spoil ve wool." Turning over the page, the Major disclosed a most grievous grizzly bear, grizzly and bearish beyond conception, heraldic, regardant, expectant, not collared, fanged and clawed proper, rampant, erect, requiring no supporters.

"Well, if she is, faith! 'tis yersilves has kilt her." "She's just in a swoond," asserted Mrs. Coe, calmly. "Wot she needs is brandy. Yus, and terbaccer smoke blowed dahn 'er froat." Mrs. Handsomebody moaned. "Better get her out of here," suggested Angel, his eye on Coppertoes who, sated by bloodshed, lay with wings outstretched, panting on the floor of the case. "Thrue," agreed Mary Ellen.

All de sojers in de Yankee camp could not save me, sar. De first man dat sees me will knive me in de heart, or cut my froat from one ear to de oder!" protested Quimp more earnestly than before, though he manifested no terror in his words or manner. "Very well, Quimp; I will pay you the money as soon as we see the steamer or other vessel, and then assist you to make your escape," replied Christy.

It was an interesting thought and suitable for conversation, but of no great practical utility. "Wonder 'ow I can get orf this?" he said. "Wonder if there is a way out? If not... rummy!" Further reflection decided, "I believe I got myself in a bit of a 'ole coming over that bridge.... "Any'ow got me out of the way of them Japanesy chaps. Wouldn't 'ave taken 'em long to cut MY froat. No. Still "

I don't see why a girl of eight is to be trampled on; does you? I wanted to go, and I am going. It's tum-tum-ache and sore froat and paling cheeks that has done it. If you want to get what you don't think you will get, remember my words. It's vinegar does it, but it gives you tum-ache awful." The old lady could not help laughing.

Dale tried to read in the darkening light. Presently he heard a sniff. The sniff grew louder. "My froat," said Penelope. He glanced towards her. She was sitting huddled up; her back looked very round. "Do go away, child. What is wrong?" "My froat. I want something to moisten it. It is so dry, it hurts me." "Go and get a drink of water." "Oh, my froat! Oh, my tum-tum!

When the Band of Hope laughed, it rolled on the floor, beat its clenched fists against neighboring backs, screamed, huzzaed, cat-called, kicked pajama legs in the air, and shook the pictures off the walls. Mr. Bob seemed to be the only one who knew how to behave, but even Mr. Bob grew crimson in the face, and choked, and opened his mouth till you could see way down his froat.