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Oudney were proceeding through Houssa, by a route less varied and hazardous indeed, but disclosing forms both of nature and society fully as interesting. They departed from Kouka on the 14th December 1823, and passing the site of old Birnie, found the banks of the Yeou fertile, and diversified with towns and villages.

"What will you do about it?" asked Shep. "I dunno. Go tew teown an' tell the constable, I guess. Be yeou goin' to town?" "No; we are off on a hunting trip," answered Giant. "And, by the way, we had better be getting back to the boat," he added to his chums. "Mr. Lundy, we'll give you a quarter for those apples," said Shep. "All right, as ye please," said the old farmer.

"If you can let us have some wire, or straps, we'll pay you for them," went on Dick. "I hain't got much," replied the old man. "I'm poor, I am with havin' sech rheumatism I can't work the farm. But yeou kin look in the barn an' see wot there is." The boys waited to hear no more, but hurried to the structure indicated a building all but ready to fall down.

His courage is mythical." Instantly Gallup bridled. "Yeou ain't gut no right to say that, mister!" he cried hotly. "Yeou don't know what yeou're talking abaout! I've had dealings with all sorts of human critters in my career. I've handled niggers, dagos, Scandinavians, Turks, Chinamen, Swedes, French-Canadians, and Heaven-knows-what. I've seen Western bad men and gun fighters galore.

So that when yeou dew but touch one rod, it'll make yeou jump as high as the next step, without any voluntary effort. Yeou'll find that an improvement." Here Swan ducked down, and laughed below at his ease. "We air very scientific in my country." "Indeed!" "Ever been to Amurica?" "Certainly not," answered Miss Crampton with vigour, "nor have I the slightest intention of ever doing so.

To the south is an extensive range of rocky hills, amid which is the town of Zangeia, with its buildings picturesquely scattered over masses of rocks. Clapperton passed also Girkwa, near a river of the same name, which appears to come from these hills, and to fall into the Yeou.

Paul stopped for a moment and was sorry for it, as the man tried to chill his blood with doleful stories of the dangers in the river below. "Yeou air goin' straight ahead tew destruction," he bellowed, "thar's a whirlpool jist ahead, where six lumbermen was drowned one time."

"Tulke has followed us. He's comin' up the street now." "They've niver put us out o' bounds," said Mother Yeo. "Bide yeou still, my little dearrs." She rolled into the inner room to make the score. "Mary," said Stalky, suddenly, with tragic intensity. "Do 'ee lov' me, Mary?" "Iss fai! Talled 'ee zo since yeou was zo high!" the damsel replied. "Zee 'un comin' up street, then?"

The next day dawned dull and rainy and he had a tiresome pull on a sluggish stream until he reached Tyngsborough. Nearing a crowded bridge at that place, volleys of questions were fired at him. He was choking with thirst and without looking up, asked: "Is there a hotel here?" "Naw," shouted a gruff voice, "ner yeou kaint git naw liker hure nowhere neether."

Come, reel off a yarn, and let's hear houw yeou hitched teams," said Flint, always glad to get information concerning his neighbors, if it could be cheaply done. "Tellin' how we found our wives wouldn't be a bad game, would it, Phil?" "I'm agreeable; but let's have your romance first." "Devilish little of that about me or any of my doin's.